主题演讲 1
The Unavoidable Environment:Reflections on Premodern Economic Growth in China&Mark Elvin伊懋可 1
论文 87
经济史 87
明清江南棉纺织业的劳动生产率&李伯重 87
Grain Market in Eighteenth-century China&Yeh-chien Wang王业键、Zen-yi Chen陈仁义 119
“Encouraging Agriculture” and the Excesses of Official Mobilization:Cui Ji’s 1737-1738 Well-Building Campaign in Shaanxi&Pierre-Etienne Will魏丕信 141
The Agrarian Basis of Qing Expansion into Central Asia&Peter C.Perdue 181
Regional Variation of Industrial Development in Taiwan: An Overview&Ts’ui-jung Liu刘翠溶 225
近代都市文化的兴起 265
士人在城市:南宋学校与科举文化价值的展现&梁庚尧 265
Cultural Spaces and the Problem of a Visual Moderni in the Cities of Late Ming Chiang-nan&Richard Vinograd文以诚 327
上海近代城市文化中的传统与现代(1880s-1930s)&李孝悌 361
近世物质文化的发展 411
The Role of Buddhism in the History of the Chinese Bridge&John Kieschnick柯嘉豪 411
晚明时期的宋官窑鉴赏与「碎器」的流行&谢明良 437
明代中后期的服饰文化及其消费心态&林丽月 467