《希腊罗马史料集 二 公元前4世纪的希腊 英文影印版=Translated documents of Greece & Rome.2.From the end of the Peloponnesi》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:黄洋,高峰枫丛书主编;(加拿大)菲利普·哈丁编译;黄洋导读
  • 出 版 社:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:210 页

史料译注 1

1 Ancient chronology 1

2 Alliance between Athens and.Eretria 7

3 Rewards for the liberators of Athens from the Thirty 8

4 Dedicatory epigram for Lysandros 10

5 Athens honours loyal Samians 10

6 The Athenians adopt the Ionian alphabet 11

7 Athens honours the heroes of Phyle 11

8 Theozotides and the Athenian orphans 13

9 The revised Athenian law-code(the calendar of sacrifices) 15

10 Extract from an inventory of the treasures of Athena and of the Other Gods 17

11 Intemal politics in Athens,Corinth,Thebes and Argos as the real cause of the Corinthian War 19

12 The activities of Konon 22

13 The battle of Sardis 27

14 Alliance between Boeotia and Athens 28

15 The Boeotian constitution 29

16 Alliance between Athens and Locris 30

17 Fortification of Peiraeus 31

18 Spartan victory at Corinth 31

19 Monuments for the Athenian casualties at Corinth and Coronea 32

20 Athens honours Dionysios I of Syracuse 33

21 Two treaties between Amyntas Ⅲ and the Chalcidians 34

22 Athenian mercenary forces at Corinth 35

23 Athens rejects the Grear King’s peace 37

24 Arbitration between Miletus and Myus 38

25 Athens resumes alliance with Thasos 39

26 Athens honours Clazomenae 40

27 Leukon,king of the Bosporos 41

28 Political change at Erythrae 42

29 Athens honours Hebryzelmis 43

30 Dissolution of Mantinea 44

31 Alliance between Athens and Chios 44

32 The occupation of the Cadmea 46

33 Alliance between Athens and Thebes 46

34 Alliance between Athens and Byzantium 48

35 ‘Charter of the Second Athenian Confederacy’ 48

36 A new nane for tribute 52

37 Methymna joins the Athenian Confederacy 52

38 Alliance between Athens and Chalcis 53

39 Reorganization of Athenian finances 54

40 Athens honours Straton,king of Sidon 56

41 Recommendation that Corcyra,Acamania and Cephallenia enter the Athenian Confederacy 57

42 Alliance of Athens and Corcyra 59

43 Athenian alliance with Amyntas Ⅲ 60

44 The peace of 375/4 61

45 Athenian law concerning the Certifier of silver coinage 61

46 Epigram commemorating the Theban victory at Leuctra 64

47 Extract from an Athenian nayal record 64

48 Boeotia honours a Carthaginian 67

49 The Thessalians honour Pelopidas 68

50 Institution of the Pezhetairoi 68

51 The Arcadian League honours the Athenian Phylarchos 69

52 Alliance between Athens and Dionysios I of Syracuse 70

53 Athens honours Mytilene 71

54 Seizure of the Attic Spondophoroi by a member state of the Aetolian League 73

55 Treaty between Athens and Ceos 74

56 Alliance of Athens,Arcadia,Achaea,Elis and Phlius 76

57 Greece and the Revolt of the Satraps 78

58 Athens sends cleruchs to Potidaea 79

59 Alliance between Athens and Thessaly 79

60 Contributions for the rebuilding of the temple at Delphi 81

61 Treaty between Philip Ⅱ and Athens 82

62 Philip Ⅱ’s relations with Thessaly 83

63 Philip Ⅱ captures Amphipolis 86

64 Treaty between Athens and three Thracian kings 86

65 Alliance of Athens and Euboean cities 87

66 Athens aids Eretria 88

67 Alliance between Philip Ⅱ and the Chalcidians 89

68 Arkesine honours the Athenian governor Androtion 90

69 Andros garrisoned by the Athenians in the Social War 91

70 Athenian alliance with Ketriporis,Lyppeios and Grabos 92

71 End of the Social War 93

72 Chares in Asia 94

73 The siege of Methone 95

74 Contributions to the Sacred War 96

75 Euboulos and the Theoric Fund 97

76 Treaty between Philip Ⅱ and Kersebleptes 99

77 Athenian cleruchs sent to Samos 100

78 Resolution of the dispute over the Sacred Orgas between Athens and Megara 100

79 Treaty between Erythrae and Hermias of Atarneus 103

80 Alliance between Athens and Olynthus and Athenian aid to Olynthus 104

81 Chalcidian refugees at Myrina in Lemnos 105

82 Athens honours Spartokos,Pairisades and Apollonios 106

83 Athens renews her alliance with Mytilene 107

84 Extracts from the accounts of the Delphian Naopoioi 108

85 Revision of the citizen-lists at Athens 109

86 Athens rejects the Great King’s request for re-affirmation of friendship 111

87 Philip of Macedon reorganizes his government of Thessaly 111

88 Payment of Phocian fine to Delphi 112

89 Alliance of Athens with Achaea,Arcadia,Argos,Megalopolis and Messenia 113

90 The character and death of Hermias of Atarneus 114

91 Alliance between Athens and Chalcis and the liberation of Oreus 116

92 Athenians under Phokion restore democracy to Eretria 116

93 Foundation of the League of Greek states for defence against Philip Ⅱ of Macedon 117

94 Athens honours Elaeus 118

95 Immediate causes of the outbreak of war between Athens and Philip Ⅱ of Macedon 118

96 The wooing of Thebes before the battle of Chaeronea 120

97 Athens honours the Tenedians 121

98 Epigram in honour of the Athenian dead at Chaeronea 123

99 Philip Ⅱ’s settlement in Greece:the‘League of Corinth’ 123

100 Athens honours loyal Acamanians 125

101 Athenian law against tyranny 127

102 Renewal of the treaty between Macedon and the Greeks by Alexander the Great or AIliance between Alexander and Athens 128

103 Priene honours Antigonos Monophthalmos 128

104 Delphi honours Aristotle and Kallisthenes 129

105 Alexander dedicates the temple of Athena Polias at Priene 129

106 Alexander’s regulations for Priene and Naulochum 130

107 Alexander’s letter to the Chians 130

108 Dedication of the ephebes of the tribe Kekropis 131

109 Oath of the Athenian ephebes 133

110 Philonides,courier and surveyor for Alexander 135

111 Athens grants Citian merchants a plot of land for building a temple 135

112 Six documents relating to the tyrants of Eresus 136

113 Restoration of exiles to Mytilene 140

114 Iasos honours Gorgos and Minnion 142

115 Demosthenes’contact with the court of Alexander 143

116 Cyrene supplies grain to Greek states 143

117 Treaty between Miletus and Sardis 145

118 Athens honours Eudemos of Plataea 145

119 Athens honours Memnon 146

120 Money brought to Athens by Harpalos 147

121 Athens sends a colony to the Adriatic 148

122 Restoration of Tegean exiles 150

123 Alliance of the Greeks against Macedon(Lamian or Hellenic War) 152

124 The Lamian(or Hellenic)War 154

125 History of the Diadochi 155

126 Extract from Ptolemy’s constitution for Cyrene 159

127 Samians honour Gorgos of Iasos 161

128 Samians honour Antileon of Chalcis 162

129 The deme Aixone honours Demetrios of Phaleron 163

130 Rise of Kassandros to the throne of Macedon 164

131 Donations for the rebuilding of Thebes 164

132 Letter of Antigonos Monophthalmos to Skepsis,announcing the peace concluded with Kassandros,Lysimachos and Ptolemy 165

133 Alliance of Ptolemy with Antigonos and Demetrios 167

134 Renovating the walls of Athens 168

135 Athenian artillery on the Acropolis 169

136 Establishment of the Demetrieia on Delos by the Island League 170

137 The tribe Akamantis decrees a sacrifice for the safe return of its soldiers 171

138 Foundation of the Hellenic League under Antigonos and Demetrios 172

139 Athens honours Nikandros of Ilium and Polyzelos of Ephesus 174

140 Death of Antigonos Monophthalmos at Ipsus 176

术语表 177

附录 184

Ⅰ 雅典执政官表(公元前403/2—前301/0年) 184

Ⅱ 雅典历法 185

Ⅲ 雅典部落列表 185

Ⅳ 计数与货币 185

索引 187

ⅠA 神名索引 187

ⅠB 人名和地名索引 187

Ⅱ 专有名词索引 200

Ⅲ 选译史料索引 207