《英语 从基础到写作》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:刘新慧,(加)GlennArnold,卢雨菁著
  • 出 版 社:兰州大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:218 页

Chapter 1 Syntactic Structures 1

Clauses 1

Types of Sentences(Structurally)Simple,Compound,Complex,Compound-Complex 1

Types of Sentences(Functionally)Declarative,Interrogative,Imperative,Exclamatory 10

Using Phrases to Replace Clauses 11

Subjunctive Mood 12

Emphatic Sentences 18

Inversion Sentences 19

Nonfinite Verbs 22

Absolute Construction 31

Chapter 2 Punctuation Marks 37

End Punctuation Marks 38

Internal Punctuation Marks 40

Enclosing Marks 50

Chapter 3 Figures of Speech 54

Alliteration 54

Allusion 55

Antithesis 56

Euphemism 57

Hyperbole 57

Irony 58

Litotes 61

Metaphor 62

Metonymy 62

Onomatopoeia 62

Oxymoron 63

Paradox 63

Parataxis 63

Parody 64

Personification 65

Proverb 66

Pun 66

Simile 67

Synecdoche 67

Transferred Epithet 68

Understatement 68

Chapter 4 From the Paragraph to the Essay 71

Topic 71

Topic Sentence 71

One Paragraph Writing 73

Essay Writing 73

Checklist for the Essay Writing 75

Checklist for the Effectiveness of Paragraphs Unity,Coherence,Transition,Completeness 76

How to Narrow Down a Topic 83

How to Write a Thesis Statement 84

Four Types of Writing Descriptive,Narrative,Expository,Persuasive 85

Checklist of Errors Of ten Made by Students 111

Chapter 5 Practical Writings 129

Enjoy Articles on Different Types of Practical Writings 129

Writing an Invitation letter 133

Writing a Letter of Apology 137

Writing a Letter of Complaint 139

Writing an Insurance Claim 143

Applying for a Job 146

Chapter 6 Academic Writing 158

Writing a Summary 158

Writing a Critical Review 159

Writing a Market Research Report 165

Writing a Survey/Questionnaire Report 167

Writing a Dissertation 172

Chapter 7 Documentation & Documentation Styles 182

Data Collecting 182

Evaluating Sources 184

Plagiarism 187

Citation 193

Works Cited 214