《互动语用学 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:西古德·东特等主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787544637527
  • 页数:262 页
图书介绍:语用学研究前沿丛书为外教社从John Benjamins出版公司引进的一套10本语言学原版专著,丛书研讨的专题包括了语用学与哲学、认知语言学、语法、社会学、文化学的交叉领域,展现了语用学研究的最前沿发现。本书为丛书之一。

The pragmatics of interaction:A survey&Sigurd D'hondt 1

1.Layers of interactional organization 2

2.Context,ethnography and categorization 3

3.Multimodality and mediation 8

4.Style and indexicality 11

5.This volume:Interaction as a topic 12

Communicative style&Margret Selting 20

1.Definition,delimitation,basic concepts 20

2.A few landmark reference works 21

3.Problems 25

4.Sample data and methodology of an interactional stylistic analysis 26

4.1 The first intuitive analysis of speech styles in the given sequential context 29

4.2 Structural analysis:Decomposition/deconstruction 29

4.2.1 Recipient reaction after this first part of the story telling 31

4.3 Functional analysis 32

4.4 Warranting 32

4.5 Structural analysis:Decomposition/deconstruction 33

4.6 Functional analysis 33

4.7 Warranting 34

5.Perspectives for future research 37

Conversation analysis&Rebecca Clift,Paul Drew ? Ian Hutchby 40

1.Introduction 40

2.Origins and overview 40

3.Data,transcription and analysis 43

4.Exhibiting an understanding in next turn 46

5.Conditional relevance of next position 48

6.Conclusions 50

Conversation types&Auli Hakulinen 55

1.Introduction 55

2.Three basic dimensions 56

2.1 The channel 56

2.2 Dyadic vs.multi-person 57

2.3 Everyday vs.institutional 58

3.Types of institutional talk 59

4.Symmetry and asymmetry in conversations 60

5.Conversation types and communicative genres 62

6.Conclusion 63

Ethnomethodology&Alan Firth 66

1.Introduction 66

2.Overview 67

3.Social action,social knowledge 69

3.1 Norms and rules 69

3.2 The contexted character of actions 70

3.2.1 Indexicality 70

3.2.2 Reflexivity 71

3.3 Rationality 73

4.Commonsense reasoning 73

5.Developments in ethnomethodology 75

6.Conclusion 76

Erving Goffman&Jim O'Driscoll 79

1.Introduction 79

2.The primacy of the situation 80

3.Ritual and the sacred self 83

4.Goffman's working framework 85

5.Goffman's influence and significance 89

Interactional linguistics&Jan Lindstr?m 96

1.Background 96

2.Points of departure 97

3.Topics 99

4.Possibilities and challenges 100

Listener response&Deng Xudong 104

1.Introduction 104

2.Approaches to the study of listener responses 105

2.1 The lumping approach 105

2.1.1 Structural properties of listener response 106

2.1.2 Roles and functions of listener responses in conversation 108

2.2 The splitting approach 111

3.Classification of listener response 113

4.Cross-cultural study of listener response 114

5.Gender-differentiated use of listener response 119

6.Future research 120

Participation&Jack Sidnell 125

1."Phatic communion"and the practices of participation 125

2.Goffman:Attention,involvement and focused encounters 133

3.Goffman:Footing 139

4.Elaborations and critique of footing 149

5.Conclusion 153

Politeness&Gabriele Kasper 157

1.Historical overview 157

2.Approaches to politeness 157

2.1 Folk notion 157

2.2 Conversational maxim(s) 158

2.3 Redress to face-threat 160

2.4 Social marking 160

2.5 Conversational contract 161

2.6 Politeness and politic behavior 162

2.7 Politeness and tact 162

3.Expression of politeness 162

3.1 Inherently polite speech acts? 162

3.2 Conventions of means 163

3.3 Conventions of form 164

4.Variables in politeness investment 165

5.Discourse perspective 168

6.Further reading 169

Prosody&Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen 174

1.Prosody defined 174

2.Prosody as a pragmatic phenomenon 175

3.Prosody and early work on spoken discourse 176

4.Prosody in talk-in-interaction:Structural dimensions 178

4.1 Turn construction 178

4.2 Sequential organization 178

4.3 Floor management 179

5.Prosody in talk-in-interaction:Interactional dimensions 180

5.1 Prosodic routines for action 181

5.2 Prosodic cueing of stance and affect 182

6.Prosody in talk-in-interaction:A case study 182

7.Directions for future research 186

Reported speech&Elizabeth Holt 190

1.Introduction 190

2.Influential figures 191

2.1 Volo?inov and Bakhtin 191

2.2 Goffman 191

3.Forms of reported speech 192

3.1 Categories and terminology 192

3.2 The reporting clause 194

4.Reported speech in discourse 195

4.1 The authenticity of reported speech 195

4.2 Reported speech in storytelling 198

4.3 The interactional environments of reported speech 199

5.Conclusion 201

Harvey Sacks&Rod Watson 206

Sequence&Jack Sidnell 215

1.Introduction 215

2.The adjacency pair 220

3."A context of publicly displayed and continuously up-dated intersubjective understandings" 223

4.Preference 227

5.Structural consequences of preference organization 229

6.Sequence organization 230

7.The power of sequential analysis 235

Transcription systems for spoken discourse 240

Daniel C.O'Connell ? Sabine Kowal 240

1.Transcription:Basic terminology 240

2.Speaking:The behavior under consideration 242

2.1 The verbal component 242

2.2 The prosodic component 243

2.3 The paralinguistic component 244

2.4 The extralinguistic component 244

3.Current transcription systems 245

3.1 Du Bois'discourse transcription(DT) 246

3.2 Ehlich's heuristic interpretative auditory transcription(HIAT) 247

3.3 The transcription system of Gumperz&Berenz 248

3.4 The Jeffersonian tradition 248

3.5 MacWhinney's CHAT system for the CHILDES project 249

4.Conclusion:Basic principles for scientific use of transcription 250

Index 255