《初级美国英语教程 上》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:赖世雄编著
  • 出 版 社:长春:长春出版社
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:370 页

英语广播教学的一朵奇葩 1

目录 1

Lesson 1 Self Introduction (自我介绍) 1

Lesson 2 Nice to Meet You (幸会) 6

Lesson 3 My Family (我的家人) 8

Lesson 4 What Do You Do? (你是做什么的?) 14

Lesson 5 Tony and His Family (托尼和他的家人) 16

Lesson 6 Is This Your Dog? (这是你的狗吗?) 22

Lesson 7 Tony and Tina (托尼和蒂娜) 24

Lesson 8 Do You Speak Spanish? (你会说西班牙语吗?) 31

Lesson 9 A Busy Family (忙碌的家庭) 33

Lesson 10 What Are You Doing? (你在做什么?) 39

Lesson 11 My Foreign Classmates (我的外籍同学) 41

Lesson 12 Where s Chen from? (小陈是哪一国人?) 48

Lesson 13 Nobody Is at Home (没人在家) 50

Lesson 14 Why Are You Smiling? (你为什么在微笑?) 57

Lesson 15 Mrs. Lee s Kitchen (李太太的厨房) 59

Lesson 16 Where Are My Keys? (我的钥匙在哪里?) 66

Lesson 17 My Hometown (我的家乡) 68

Lesson 18 Is It near the Post Office? (就在邮局附近吗?) 74

(老歌( Dreamin,(梦想) 76

Lesson 19 I Have Two Friends (我有两个朋友) 83

Lesson 20 She Is Beautiful (她很漂亮) 90

Lesson 21 I Don t Know Anyone (我谁都不认识) 93

Lesson 22 Do You Want to Dance? (你想跳舞吗?) 100

Lesson 23 The Book Is Mine (这本书是我的) 102

Lesson 24 It s Mine (它是我的) 109

Lesson 25 My Father (我的父亲) 112

Lesson 26 He Usually Plays Tennis (他通常打网球) 119

Lesson 27 Jack and His Dog (杰克和他的狗) 121

Lesson 28 I Always Walk (我都是走路去) 126

Lesson 29 Poor Dick (可怜的迪克) 128

Lesson 30 Money Doesn t Grow on Trees (挣钱是很辛苦的) 134

Lesson 31 Poor Amy (可怜的艾米) 136

Lesson 32 Coins for the Phone (打投币电话) 140

Lesson 33 She Wants to Wear Something Formal (她想穿正式的衣服) 143

Lesson 34 Let s Go to a Disco (咱们到迪斯科舞厅去) 149

Lesson 35 There s Little Food (饭菜很少) 151

Lesson 36 A Lot of Bills (许多帐单) 156

(老歌( All I Have to Do Is Dream (我只能梦想) 158

Lesson 37 A Wonderful Time (美好时光) 166

Lesson 38 Nobody Answered the Phone (没人接电话) 172

Lesson 39 Homesickness (乡愁) 175

Lesson 40 Everybody Spoke English (大家都说英语) 181

Lesson 41 Going Camping (露营) 184

Lesson 42 Are You Having Fun? (你玩得愉快吗?) 191

Lesson 43 Killing Two Birds with One Stone (两全其美) 193

Lesson 44 She Had a Bad Cold (她患了重感冒) 201

Lesson 45 What a Nightmare! (真是恶梦一场啊!) 203

Lesson 46 A Terrible Headache (头痛得很厉害) 210

Lesson 47 Be Polite (要有礼貌) 213

Lesson 48 Don t Mention It (别客气) 220

Lesson 49 Never Talk to Strangers (千万别跟陌生人说话) 223

Lesson 50 You re Sally, Aren t You? (你是萨莉,对不对?) 228

Lesson 51 My Girlfriend (我的女友) 230

Lesson 52 Sam s OK (小三子不错) 237

Lesson 53 Country Life (乡间生活) 240

Lesson 54 I Like Brighter Colors (我喜欢较明亮的颜色) 246

(老歌( Stoney (史东妮) 248

Lesson 55 More Is Not Always Better (多未必佳) 255

Lesson 56 I Want the Cheaper One (我要买那只便宜的手表) 261

Lesson 57 The Elephant and the Whale (大象与鲸鱼) 263

Lesson 58 The Smartest Teacher (最聪明的老师) 269

Lesson 59 My Best Friend (我最好的朋友) 272

Lesson 60 The Longest River in the World (世界上最长的河流) 276

Lesson 61 The Hare and the Turtle (兔子与乌龟) 279

Lesson 62 Practice Makes Perfect (熟能生巧) 286

Lesson 63 Saving a Drowning Boy (救难记) 289

Lesson 64 Dan s a Good Swimmer (丹很会游泳) 296

Lesson 65 The Fortune-teller (算命师) 298

Lesson 66 Will It Leave on Time? (它会准时开吗?) 304

Lesson 67 Getting Married (结婚) 307

Lesson 68 Are You Going to Come? (你会来吗?) 311

Lesson 69 Running a Bookstore (经营书店) 313

Lesson 70 When Will You Be Moving? (你什么时候搬家?) 317

Lesson 71 Working Hard (努力学习) 320

Lesson 72 Remember to Wash (别忘了漱洗) 327

Lesson 73 Joe s Restaurant (乔的餐厅) 329

Lesson 74 You Ought to Learn to Swim (你应当学习游泳) 335

Lesson 75 Michael s Dream (迈克的梦想) 337

Lesson 76 I Want to Be a Doctor (我想当医生) 344

Lesson 77 Rome Wasn t Built in a Day (罗马不是一天造成的) 346

Lesson 78 Don t Be Discouraged (不要泄气) 354

Lesson 79 Showing Off (炫耀) 356

Lesson 80 I m Good at Cooking (我擅长烹饪) 360

(老歌( Tennessee Waltz (田纳西华尔兹) 362