出席国际/区域性学术研讨会并于会上报告论文之论文摘要 1
1976 电针刺激对家兔周围血液白细胞的影响 1
1979 针刺治疗关节炎之初步报告 2
1980 经络平衡的临床应用与观察之初步探讨 3
1980针灸电疗腰背痛 4
1982 正常人体十二经脉阴阳平衡的初探 5
1983 气功过程中的督脉两穴间皮肤导电量变化之初探 6
1984 针灸、光针与气功之相互关系 7
1984 痹症(关节痛)之电脑中医针灸辨证论治与病案储存 8
1986 激光刺激(光针)耳穴戒烟的研究 9
1987 中文dBASE III在中医激光针针灸戒烟资料方面的应用 10
1987 激光针戒烟(中英)微电脑软件 11
1988 中文dBASE III的中医《咳喘证》名家医案辨证论治 12
1988 以调制中频电疗法为无针针刺治疗关节炎的临床报告 13
1989 针灸教育国际化,统一化——脉冲调制中频电疗法所扮演的角色 14
发表文献 15
针刺理论“实则泻其子”的临床初步探讨 15
下腰痛的电针疗法 20
从原穴导电量来观察正常人体十二阴阳经的平衡 25
气功过程中的督脉两学间皮肤导电量变化之初探 31
痹证(关节痛)之电脑中医针灸辨证论治与病案储存 37
针刺治疗关节炎之初步报告 43
中文dBASE III在中医激光针针灸戒烟资料方面的应用 54
中文dBASE III的中医《咳喘证》名家医案辨证论治 62
以调制中频电疗法为无针针刺治疗关节炎的临床报告 71
针灸教育国际化,统一化——脉冲调制中频电疗法所扮演的角色 80
第二掌骨侧全息微针系统44例临床探讨 88
如何用微型电脑自制中文七彩幻灯片 95
1976 The Effect of Electro-acupuncture Stimulation on Pcriphcral Blood Leukocytes of Rabbits 101
1979 The Preliminary Reports of Acupuncture Treatment on Arthritis 102
1980 The prcliminary Study on Clinical Application and Obscrvation on the Meridian Balancing 103
1980 Electro-Acupuncture Treatment for Low Back Pain 104
1982 A preliminary Study on the Yin-Yang Balance of the 12 Channels in Healthy Human Body 105
1983 A preliminary Study of Current Measured by the ERS Between Two Acupoint of Du Channel During the Pratice of Qigong 30
1984 The Inter-relationships of Breathing Therapy(Qi-gong),Needle and Laser Acupuncture 106
1984 Compustcrized Differcnstiation of Syndromes in Acupuncture Treatment for Arthralgia and Computer Storage of Case History 107
1985 The Effect of Laser on Acupoints for Smoking 108
1987 The Application of Chinese dBASE III to Data Managing in Chinese Laser Acupuncture for Stop Smoking 109
1987 Bilingual(Chinese-English)Micro-computer Software For Laser Acupuncture on Stop Smoking 110
1988 The Experto s PT AD on TCM Cough-Dyspnea Symptoms by Chinese dDBASE III Software 111
1988 Clinical Report on Needleless Acupuncture by Modulation Electro-Therapy for Arthritis 112
1990 The Use of Modulation Eletro-Therapy(MET) on Acupuncture Points for Smoking Cessation 113
1990 Clinical Obscrvation of 44 Cases of Acupuncture Indication On The 2nd Metacarpal Bone Side Holographic Acupuncture Microsystem 113
The Effects of Electro-Acupuncture Stimulation on Peripheral Blood Leukocytes of Rabbits 114
The Preliminary reports of Acupuncture Treatment on Arthitis 121
The Preliminary Study on Clinical Application and Observation on the Meridian Balancing 134
The Effect of Laser on Acupoints for Smoking 135
The Use of Laser on Acupuncture Points for Smoking Cessation 141
Clinical Report on Needleless Acupuncture by Modulation Electro-Therapy for Arthritis 146