
  • 购买积分:26 如何计算积分?
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  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:1004 页

针灸日常诊疗用语The Acupuncture and Moxibustion ferms for Examination Diagnosis and Treatment 1

中医常用语The Common Terms of Chinese Tradtional Medicine 11

针刺俞穴Channels and Points for Acupun-cture 29

天然标志The Natural Anatomical Marks 55

常见病的名称和体征The Terms of Common Diseases and Their Symptoms and Signs 62

常见病症的针灸治疗Treatment of Common Diseases and Symptoms with Acupuncture and Moxibustion 75

耳穴的解剖相应部位和适应症The corres ponding Regional Anatomy of the Aurioular points 113

头针的适应症和刺激区The Zones of Stimulation and the Indications for Scalp Acupuncture 129

日常诊疗用语和会话The Terms of Treatment and Diagnesis for Everyday clse 138

病历书写用语Useful Expressions in Writing Notes 176

医嘱用语Common Expressions Used in Medical Orders 193

一般诊疗用具和常用药The General Diagnostic Instruments and Common Drugs 196

附图Figure 200