《生殖生物学开放研究实验室论文集 1985-1990》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:中国科学院动物研究所
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:518 页

Autocrine role of estrogens in the augmentation of luteinizing hormone receptor formation in cultured rat granulosa cells 1

Plasminogen activator activity in cumulus-oocyte complexes of gonadotropin-treated rats during the periovulatory period 102

Regulation of tissue-type plasminogen actiator activity and messenger RNA levels by gonadotropin-releasing hormone in cultured rat granulosa cells and cumulus-oocyte complexes 110

Vasoactive intestinal peptide stimulates progestin production by cultured rat luteal cells 114

消炎痛抑制大鼠颗粒细胞和膜-间质细胞PA的分泌 121

Indomethacin inhibits hCG and GnRH agonist-induced secretion of plasminogen activator by granulosa and theca interstitial cells of hypophysectomized rats 129

Steroid hormones and their functional regulation in Amphioxus 14

卵巢纤蛋白溶酶原激活因子及其抑制因子的研究 140

Studies on ovarian plasminogen activators and their inhibitor 148

大熊猫卵巢的滤泡闭锁和囊肿的研究 149

on the follicular atresia and cyst of the giant panda(Ailuropoda melanoleusa) 152

已烯雌酚对未成熟大鼠卵巢卵泡颗粒细胞分化的形态学观察 154

Autocrine role of endogenously-produced progesterone in FSH-induced steroidogenesis by cultured rat granulosa cells 161

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone induces ovulation in hypophysectomized rats:Studies on ovarian tissue-type plasminogen activator activity,messenger ribonucleic acid content,and cellular localization 166

以LD50为指标比较大鼠附睾精子、睾丸支持和间质细胞对棉酚乙酸作用的敏感性 17

Comparison of sensitivities of rat spermatozoa,Sertoli and Leydig cells to gossypol acetic acid in vitro by LD50 17

颗粒细胞分泌一种刺激卵母细胞组织型纤蛋白溶酶原激活因子的物质 176

A factor from granulosa cells can stimulate oocyte tissue plasminogen activator activity 182

幼鼠Sertoli细胞分泌一种刺激Leydig细胞合成雄激素的因子 190

A factor(s) produced by Sertoli cells stimulates androgen biosynthesis by Leydig cells in neonatal rats 198

幼猴和成年猴颗粒细胞离体下甾体形成的激素调节 208

Regulation of steroidogenesis of infant and adult rhesus monkey granulosa cells in vitro 217

大鼠睾丸巨噬细胞与Leydig细胞关系的研究 227

小鼠排卵前后卵巢纤蛋白溶酶原激活因子活性的变化 232

尿激酶及其抑制物对未成年小鼠排卵的影响 239

外源促性腺激素诱导大熊猫发情及人工繁殖获得首次成功 244

Mechanism of mammalian ovulation 245

Connective tissue breakdown in ovulation 266

Activation of collagenase during ovulation in the perfused rat ovary 275

GnRHa对恒河猴颗粒细胞离体下甾体激素形成的双向作用 278

The pathogenesis of sex abnormality in pigs 28

A study of the effect of B-EP and naloxone on the function of the hypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis of the rat 285

Identification and regulation of tissue plasminogen activiator activity in rat cumulus-oocyte complexes 29

Development of cortical polarity in mouse eggs:Involvement of the meiotic apparatus 292

海蛰的生殖与受精 1.排卵方式的探讨 305

文昌鱼精子的超显微结构 311

卵裂的有丝分裂器的旋转与染色体运动机制的研究 316

受精卵细胞骨架对精核运动作用的研究 319

Effects of ooplasm cytoskeleton on migration and development of sperm-nuclei in mouse eggs 323

大熊猫精子体外获能和异种穿卵的超显微结构研究 329

Study on in vitro sperm capacitation and egg-penetration of giant panda 334

豚鼠精子获能与Na,K-ATPase活性关系的研究 341

Studies on relationship between Na,K-ATPase activity and sperm capacitation in guinea pig 346

Local effect of the blastocyst on uterine Content of estrogen,progesterone and their receptors 353

兔子宫内膜细胞核雌激素受体的分析 355

孕酮和炔诺酮庚酸酯对靶细胞孕酮受体动态分布的影响 356

大鼠子宫内膜存在人绒毛膜促性腺激素样(hCG-like)物质结合部位的初步探讨 365

[D丙6,脯9乙基胺]—促黄体素释放激素LH-RHA对妊娠兔子宫内膜多聚核糖体mRNA的作用 372

着床过程中兔胚泡小分子肽的分离、鉴定及其有关着床机理的生理意义 379

Isolation and Characterization of the specific peptides from rabbit blastocyst at peri-implantation stage with emphasis on their physiological significance relevant to the mechanism of implantation 387

Synergism between granulosa and theca-interstitial cells in estrogen biosynthesis by gonadotropin-treated rat ovaries:Studies on the two-cell,two gonadotropin hypothesis using steroid antisera 39

去甲肾上腺素在胚泡着床中的作用 395

Effect of norepinephrine on blastocyst implantation in rats 397

大鼠子宫注射LH-RH抗血清对胚泡着床的影响 400

兔胚泡小分子肽的生物功能研究 404

高剂量LH-RH对妊娠早期人滋养层组织蛋白分泌的影响 410

Culture of first trimester human trophoblast tissue in serum-free medium 417

穿心莲抗生育作用的研究Ⅰ.对体外培养的人绒毛滋养层细胞激素分泌功能的影响 421

Studies on the peptides in the placental villi of human early pregnancy 429

人胎盘的生殖内分泌学研究Ⅰ.人细胞滋养层细胞的无血清培养与生长因子的作用 441

人胎盘的生殖内分泌学研究Ⅱ.细胞滋养层细胞的激素分泌功能 449

人胎盘的生殖内分泌学研究Ⅲ.妊娠早期人滋养层组织孕酮分泌的调节 455

P物质放射免疫测定法及在大白鼠动情周期中垂体内P物质含量的变化 461

鼻腔内滴入LRH类似物对大鼠嗅球单位电活动的影响 468

文昌鱼促性腺素释放激素(LH-RH)的纯化鉴定 471

β-内啡肽在雌激素负反馈调节中的作用机理 472

文昌鱼促黄体素释放素(LH-RH)的周年变化及其与性腺发育的相互关系 479

自制多巴胺抗体的特异性和敏感性 486

Effect of Androgens on progesterone produc5tion by long term cultured luteal cells 49

GnRH免疫活性细胞和神经在大鼠胃肠胰系统分布的初步研究 491

人生长激素基因在哺乳动物培养细胞中的导入与表达 494

牛金属硫蛋白基因的克隆及其组织结构的研究 501

哺乳动物病毒SV40早期启动子在鱼类细胞中具转录调节功能 504

牛as1-酷蛋白基因5'-调节区的分子克隆 509

Expression of recombinant human growth hormone gene in mammalian cells:Effects of dual genetic elements 513

Autocrine role of endogenously-produced estrogens in the enhancement of aromatase activity,progestin production and LHreceptor in cultured rat granulosa cells 59

大鼠滤泡纤蛋白溶酶原激活因子及抑制因子的相互作用和调节 68

Interaction and regulation of plasminogen activators and their inhibitor in rat follicles during periovulatory periods 77

Gonadotropin regulation of tissue-type and urokinase-type plasminogen activators in rat granulosa and theca-interstitial cells during the periovulatory period 88

Vasoactive intestinal peptide stimulates plasminogen activator activity by cultured rat granulosa cells and cumulus-oocyte complexes 97