中国全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长、中华全国妇女联合会主席顾秀莲女士欢迎辞 2
Congratulatory Message given by Mme.Gu Xiulian,Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,P.R.C and President of All-China Women's Federation 3
第六届东亚妇女论坛简介 4
Information Sheet of the 6th EAWF 5
第六届东亚妇女论坛日程 6
Agenda of the 6th EAWF 9
全体会议及分组会发言人名单 13
List of Speakers/Reporters in Plenary Sessions and Group Discussions 15
会场分布图Map of Conference Halls 17
中国职工之家周边地图Hotel Map 18
重要信息 19
Important Information 20
各国(地区)联络员名单List of Contact Persons 21
参会者名单List of Participants 22