
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:廖达材编
  • 出 版 社:广东湛江雷州师范专科学校
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:252 页

A;One 1

Abide by 2

Able to 3

Absorb in 4

Accept;Receive 5

Accompany 6

Advice 7

After;In 8

Ago;Before 10

Agree to;Agree with;Agree on 11

In the air;On the air 12

All…not;None 13

Allow;promise 15

American;America's 16

Among;Between 16

Another;Other(some other;Any other;every other;no other;the other) 17

Angry at;Angry with 19

Any;Some 20

Appear on television;Appear on the stage 21

As;Because 22

Ashamed of 23

As if(As though) 24

As well;As well as 25

Avoid 27

Bear 27

Because 22

Because;For 28

Before 10

Before long;Long before 29

Begin 31

Belong to 32

Besides;Except;Except for 32

Between 16

Blind to 34

Borrow;Lend 34

By a hair's breadth;To a hair's breadth 35

Break down;Break up 36

Break out;Break off;Break away;break through 37

Bring forward;Bring forth 38

Bring;Take 39

Bring up 40

Busy with;Busy in 41

But 42

By;To 43

By;with 44

Call for 45

Call on(upon) 45

Call up 46

Can't 47

Can't help;Help 48

Carry out;Carry on;Carry through 49

In case of;In the case of 50

Catch up(with) 51

Certain of 52

In charge of;In the charge of 53

Compare to;Compare with 54

Compose;Consist 55

With concern 56

Consist;Constitute 56

On the contrary;To the contrary 58

Contrary to 59

Convenient 60

Cost 61

Dare 62

Deal with 63

Decide;Make up one's mind 63

Delight with;Delight tn 64

Derive from 65

Diligent in 66

Distinguish…from 67

Differ from;differ in 67

different from 68

Doubt;Suspect 69

Draw back 70

Dress oneself up 71

Due to;Owing to 71

In the east;To the east 72

Either…or 73

At the end;By the end 74

Inthe end;To the end 75

Enough 76

Enough;Too 77

Everyday;Every day 78

Every…not 79

Except 32

Except for 32

Except;Unless 80

Exception to 80

Exempt from 81

Explain 82

Fail 83

Fairly;Rather 84

Familiar to;Familiar with 85

Do one a favour 86

Feel;Sound;Smell;Taste 86

Few;A few 87

Find;Look for 88

Finish 89

Fond of 90

For 28

Forget;Remember 92

For;Since 91

From 93

In front of;In the front of 93

Get along(on) 94

Give up;Give in;Give off;Give out 95

Good at 96

Good for 97

Have gone to;Have been to 98

Go on 99

Go to bed;Sleep……(100 )Go v.+ing 101

Had better 102

Hand over;Hand in;Hand out 103

Happen;Take place 104

Hard;Hardly 105

Hardly…when 106

Have 107

Have to;Must 108

Hear;Listen 109

Hear from;Hear of 110

Help 48

Hold up 111

Hope;wish 112

Ill;Sick 113

In 114

In;on 115

In;Into 117

Indifferent to 118

Inform…of 118

Injure;wound 119

Insist 120

Instead of 121

Interfere in;Interfere with 122

Into 117

Join;Take part in 123

Kind of 124

Knock off;Knock down 125

Know;Know of 126

Last 127

Late;Lately 128

Later;Latter 129

Lay;Lie 130

Lend 34

No less than;Not less than 131

Let's;Let us 132

Lie 133

Like 133

Listen 109

Little;A little 134

Long before 29

Look;See 135

Look for 88

Look forward to 136

Look in;Look into 136

Look on(upon);Look down on 137

Make 138

Make from;Make of 139

Make for 140

Make out;Make up 140

Manage;Try 142

Many a 143

Marry 144

Mean 145

Measure 146

Meet;Meet with 147

Mind 148

No more than;Not more than 149

Make up one's mind 63

Much;very 151

Must 152

Must;Can 152

Need(1) 154

Need(2) 155

Neither 156

Neither…nor 157

News 158

At night;By night;In the night;on the night 159

Noise 210

None 13

None of us 160

Under one's nose 161

Not only…but also…(1) 162

Not only…but also…(2) 163

Object to 164

Offer 164

On 115

One 1

One or more 165

By oneself;For oneself;Of oneself 166

Operate 167

Or 168

Other 169

Ought 170

Owing to 71

Take part in 123

Particular about 171

Pat one on the back 172

Permission;Promise 173

Pleasure 174

Population 175

Take precautions against 176

Prefer 177

Prejudice 178

Make preparation for 179

At a price 180

Take a pride in 181

Promise 173

Pull in;Behind time 181

Pull round 182

Pull up;Pull out;Pull down 183

Put off 184

Put on(1) 185

Put on(2);Wear 186

Raise;Rise 187

Rather 84

Rather…than 188

…Rather than 189

Get ready for 230

Receive 5

Recently 200

Remember 92

Remind of;Remind to 190

In repair;Under repair 191

Repent of 192

Respectful;Respective;Respectable 193

Responsible for;Responsible to 194

Result from;Result in 195

Take revenge on sb 196

Rise 187

Salary;wage 196

Search 197

In season 198

See 135

Sensible;Sensitive 199

Short of 200

Shortly;Recently 200

Should 201

Show 202

Sick 113

Since 95

Sit up 203

Sleep 91

Smell 86

So 204

So…as to 206

So…that 207

So that 208

No sooner than 209

Sound;noise;voice;tone; 210

At full speed 211

Spend 212

On the spot 213

At stake 214

Stand for;Stand by 215

Still;Yet 216

Stop 217

Such 218

No such 219

Such as 220

Such…that 221

Suggest 222

Sure 223

Suspect 69

Take 224

Take place 104

Take up 225

Talk over 226

Taste 86

Than 227

Think of 228

Though(Although) 229

Work against time 230

At a time;Every(each)time 231

At one time;At times 232

On time;In time 233

Behind time 181

Tired of;Tired with 234

To 43

Tone 210

Together with 235

Too 77

Too…to;Only too…to 236

Try 142

By turns;In turn 237

Turn to;Turn into 238

Turn out 239

Unless 80

Until 240

Used to;Be used to 241

Very 151

Voice 210

Want 242

Wage 196

In the way;On the way;By the way 244

Under way for 245

Wear 186

Wish 246

With 42

Have a word;Have words with 248

At work 249

Worry about 250

Worth 251

Worthy of 252

Wound 119

Yet 216