《李四光全集 第6卷·区域地质》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:
  • 出 版 社:武汉:湖北人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:726 页

目录 1

The Stratigraphy of the Anthracolithic Formation in the Liuhokou Coalfield,N.China 1

The Nature and Extent of a Stratigraphical Break in the Cambro-Ordovician Limestones of Northern Anhui,and Its Bearing upon the Systematic Classification of the Cambro-Ordovician Strata 21

Speech at the Lecture of Dr.Osborn 32

A Suggestion of a New Method for Geological Survey of Igneous Intrusions 38

Geology of the Gorge District of the Yangtze(from Ichang to Tzekuei)with Special Reference to the Development of the Gorges 48

Rock-Formula 114

Classification and Correlation of Pal?ozoic Coal-bearing Formations in North China 123

On the Age and Distribution of the Palaeozoic Coal-bearing Formation in North China 163

Note on the Chihsia Limestone and Its Associated Formation 173

A Geological Guide to the Lungtan District,Nanking 185

The Framework of Eastern Asia 229

The Structural Pattern of China and Its Dynamic Interpretation 253

Coal Resources of China 259

Sinian Glaciation of China 283

Continental Drift 300

The Tectonic Pattern of the Guangxi Platform 309

Reflections on Twenty Year's Experience 346

The Nanling and the ε Structure 389

The Origin of the Neocathaysian Seas 398

Science Serves the People 423

Distortion of Continental Asia 443

Uncovering Hidden Riches 486

长江峡东地质及峡之历史 496

庐山地质志略 534

南京龙潭地质指南 552

东亚构造格架 561

中国的构造轮廓及其动力学解释 575

大陆漂流 579

广西台地构造之轮廓 584

广西地层表 604

南岭何在 635

南岭和山字型构造 648

新华夏海之起源 656

受了歪曲的亚洲大陆(节要) 671

受了歪曲的亚洲大陆 681

东西复杂构造带和南北构造带 712