《疯狂英语900句 口语速成突破 经典权威版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张子枫编著
  • 出 版 社:南昌:江西文化音像出版社
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:7884102765
  • 页数:418 页

Greetings 打招呼 1

Meeting People 相识 10

Farewell 告别 15

Pleading 请求 17

Showing Thankfulness 感谢 26

Apology 道歉 33

Offers and Invitations 邀请 38

Receiving Guests 接待客人 43

Dining 进餐 49

Shopping 购物 63

Telephone Calls 打电话 76

Identifying People 人的身份 85

Identifying Objects 识别事物 97

Age 年龄 102

Size,Quantity and Weight 大小、数量和重量 108

Order 顺序 117

Whereabouts and Directions 位置和方向 120

Time and Date 时间和日期 135

Weather 天气 151

Family 家庭 159

Housework 家务 163

Study and Language Study 学习和语言学习 169

Work and Employment 工作 184

Celebrations and Recreations 欢庆和娱乐 196

Accidents and Sickness 事故和疾病 204

Relationship 关系 220

Contact 联络 231

Likes and Dislikes 好恶 236

Wishes and Blessings 愿望和祝福 245

Activities 行动 250

State 状态 256

Cause and Effect 原因和结果 259

Doubting and Believing 质疑和相信 262

Being Sure and and Guaranteeing 确定和保证 267

Arguing 争辩 271

Suggestions 建议 274

Favoring and Praising 赞扬 283

Complaining and Criticizing 抱怨和批评 286

Comforting and Reassuring 安慰 300

Comparison,Differences and Similarities 比较和异同 306

Appearance and Features 相貌和特征 312

Feelings and Emotions 感觉和情绪 328

Abilities and Possibilities 能力和可能性 335

Affirmatives and Negatives 肯定与否定 347

Opinions and Ideas 看法和想法 351

Necessity and Obligation 必要性和责任 355

Speeches and Talks 演讲和讲话 361

Telling,Knowing and Understanding 告知,知晓和理解 366

Agreement and Disagreement 赞同与分歧 375

Excuses 藉口 378

Importance and Value 重要性和价值 381

Possession and Existence 拥有和存在 384

Instructions and Warnings 指示和警告 390

Surprise 惊奇 400

Plans 计划 413

Difficulty 困难 406

Others 其他 411