
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:关世民著
  • 出 版 社:苏州:苏州大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787567200210
  • 页数:306 页

Chapter One Introduction 2

Ⅰ.Introduction to the Contents of the Book 2

Ⅱ.The Current Situation of Advanced English Writing 4

1.The Current Situation of English Writing Abroad 4

2.The Current Situation of English Writing in China 6

Ⅲ.Features of Advanced English Writing 7

1.Pragmatic Diction 8

2.Rhetorical Sentences 9

3.Formal and Stylistic Discourse Structure 9

4.Comparison between Basic and Advanced Writing 10

Chapter Two Stylistic Strategies of Diction 12

Ⅰ.Objectives of This Chapter 12

Ⅱ.Diagnosis of Problematic Writing 12

Ⅲ.Rhetorical Strategies of Diction 13

1.Meaning of Words 14

2.Types of Words 17

3.Tone and Personal Reference 31

Ⅳ.Introspection of This Chapter 37

Chapter Three Principles of Optimizing Sentences 39

Ⅰ.Objectives of This Chapter 39

Ⅱ.Diagnosis of Problematic Writing 39

Ⅲ.Optimizing Sentences 41

1.Development of Sentence Structures 42

2.Principle of Concise Sentences 53

3.Principle of Unified Sentences 57

4.Principle of Emphasizing Sentences 62

5.Principle of Varying Sentences 68

Ⅳ.Introspection of This Chapter 72

Chapter Four Rhetoric in Discourse 73

Ⅰ.Objectives of This Chapter 73

Ⅱ.Diagnosis of Problematic Writing 74

Ⅲ.Rhetoric in Discourse 75

1.Suggestions for Using Rhetoric 75

2.Comparisons in Rhetoric 77

3.Associations in Rhetoric 90

4.Indirections in Rhetoric 95

Ⅳ.Introspection of This Chapter 102

Chapter Five Cohesion in Writing 103

Ⅰ.Objectives of This Chapter 103

Ⅱ.Diagnosis of Problematic Writing 103

Ⅲ.Cohesion in Writing 105

1.Connective Cohesion 105

2.Grammatical Cohesion 113

3.Lexical Cohesion 126

Ⅳ.Introspection of This Chapter 129

Chapter Six Pragmatic View of Developing Paragraphs 131

Ⅰ.Objectives of This Chapter 131

Ⅱ.Diagnosis of Problematic Writing 132

Ⅲ.The Pragmatic View of Paragraph Development 133

1.The Nature of Paragraph Development 133

2.Unity of Paragraphs 138

3.Coherence of Paragraphs 140

4.Pragmatic View of Developing Paragraphs 145

5.Two Special Types of Paragraphs 152

Ⅳ.Introspection of This Chapter 161

Chapter Seven Preparations for Different Genres 163

Ⅰ.Objectives of This Chapter 163

Ⅱ.Diagnosis of Problematic Writing 163

Ⅲ.Preparations for Different Genres 164

1.Preconditions for Writing in Different Genres 164

2.Development of Thesis Statements 171

3.Features of Different Genres 183

4.Three Common Strategies for Organizing Writing 189

5.Register Variation and Thought Patterns 192

6.Shaping Thought Patterns:Deduction and Induction 198

Ⅳ.Introspection of This Chapter 201

Chapter Eight Analysis of Different Genres 203

Ⅰ.Objectives of This Chapter 203

Ⅱ.Analyzing Different Genres 203

1.Analysis of Narration 204

2.Analysis of Description 221

3.Analysis of Exposition 234

4.Analysis of Argumentation 245

5.Logic Reasoning Methods of Argumentation 253

Ⅳ.Introspection of This Chapter 274

Chapter Nine Abstract Writing 276

Ⅰ.Objectives of This Chapter 276

Ⅱ.Diagnosis of Problematic Writing 276

Ⅲ.Abstract Writing 277

1.Drafting an Abstract 278

2.Types of Abstracts 279

3.Commonly Used Sentences 285

4.Key Words 286

Ⅳ.Introspection of This Chapter 288

Chapter Ten Documentation of Academic Papers 289

Ⅰ.Objectives of This Chapter 289

Ⅱ.Diagnosis of Problematic Writing 289

Ⅲ.Writing Documents 290

1.APA Style 290

2.MLA Style 294

3.Turabian Style 298

Ⅳ.Introspection of This Chapter 303

References 304