《世界建筑 NO.62》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:6 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:陈桂英
  • 出 版 社:胡氏图书出版社
  • 出版年份:1983
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:47 页

森林火葬场 Woodland Crematorium 9

火葬场的开敞凉廊及石造十字架 Open loggia and stone cross 9

由墓地入口看火葬场的景观 View of Crematorium and landscape from cemetery entrance 10

火葬场正立面,开敞凉廊(中央)小礼拜堂(左),户外仪式广场(凉廊前面) Front facade of Crematorium, open loggia (center), small chapel (left), ceremonial plaza (front of loggia) 12

开敞凉廊的全景 General view of open loggia 14

凉廊的入口 Approach to the loggia 16

小礼拜堂及前庭 Small chapel and forecourt 17

开敞的凉廊 Open loggia 18

开敞凉廊的列柱及照明装置 Columns and lighting fixtures of open loggia 20

开敞凉廊中央的部分及雕刻 Impluvium and sculpture in the center of open loggia 21

森林礼拜堂 Woodland Chapel 22

正立面及Carl Milles的雕刻“死亡天使” Front facade.Sculpture by Carl Milles’s Angel of Death 22

经由礼拜堂门廊看门及周围环境 View of gate and surroundings through portico 24

礼拜堂内部 Interior 26

斯德哥尔摩公立图书馆 Stockholm Public Library 28

正面全景 Front facade 28

正面之构成(部分) Close up view of front facade 30

主要入口 Main entrance 32

主入口大厅 Main entrance hall 33

主入口大厅侧边的阶梯 Side stair of the main entrance hall 34

主入口大厅的照明装置及浮雕 Lighting fixture and frieze in the entrance hall 35

至借书大厅的阶梯 Stairs to the lending hall 36

至阶梯看借书大厅 Lending hall as seen from the stair 37

借书大厅 Lending hall 38

借书大厅的书架组成 Shelving system of the lending hall 40