主题演讲 7
The Avenging Ghost: Paradigm of a Shameful Past&Stephan Feuchtwang 7
论文 37
Narrating Place and Tudi Gong in Taiwan&Alessandro Dell’Orto 37
Lineage and Territorial Cults: Transformations and Interactions in the Irrigated Putian Plains&Kenneth Dean 87
Spatial Organization in a Ritual Context: A Preliminary Analysis of the Koah-hiu n Processional System of the Tainan Region and Its Social Significance&Fiorella Allio 131
Local Elites and Sacred Sites in Hsin-chuang: The Growth of the Ti-tsang An during the Japanese Occupation&Paul R.Katz 179
从地方性庙宇到全台性庙宇:马鸣山镇安宫的发展及其祭祀圈&三尾裕子 229
仪式与社会:大甲妈祖辖区之扩展与变迁&张珣 297
疾病与厄运的转移:台湾北部红头法师大补运仪式分析&许丽玲 339
从喃呒师傅到道坛经生:香港的打醮和社区关系的演变&蔡志祥 367
新加坡华族戏曲的戏神崇拜&容世诚 397
光明的追寻者:宋七力研究&杨惠南 427
一贯道在台湾的发展及其策略之探讨&宋光宇 509
改信过程中的信念转换媒介与自我说服&林本炫 547