1 Introduction 1
2 Farming,Villages and Towns in the River Windrush Area 4
2.1 General 4
2.2 Physical Environment:Relief and River;Woodlands and Agricultural Land 5
2.3 Climate and Soils 10
2.4 Farming and Trade:Land Cultivation;Wool Farming 12
2.5 The Human Habitation:Settlements;Roads and Land;Villages and Towns 19
3 Oolitic Limestones in the River Windrush Landscape 37
3.1 The Oolitic Limestones 38
3.2 Quarrying and the Stonemason's Tools 45
3.3 Wall Masonry 50
3.4 Limestone Slate Roofs 54
4 Forms of the Windrush Architecture 58
4.1 The Evolution of Buildings 58
4.2 The Elements of Styles:Stone Roofs;Mullioned Windows;Doorways and Porches;Dormer Windows;Chimneys 67
4.3 Some Buildings in the River Windrush Area:'Centre-Entry'House with Chimneys backing on;'Direct-Entry'House with Chimney on Lateral Wall;'Direct-Entry'House with Chimney on the End Gable;'Lobby-Entry'house;'Gable-end-Entry'House;Group-unit House 77
5 Conclusion 86
Index 89
Notes 91
Bibliography 94