《红楼梦 2》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:曹雪芹,高鹗著;杨宪益,戴乃迭译;戴敦邦插图
  • 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
  • 出版年份:1978
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:701 页


Pao-yu Sips Tea in Green Lattice Nunnery 1

Granny Liu Succumbs to Wine in Happy Red Court 1


The Lady of the Alpinia Warns Against Dubious Tastes in Literature 15

The Queen of Bamboos’ Quips Add to the General Enjoyment 15


To Kill Time Money Is Raised to Celebrate a Birthday 31

Incense Is Burned on the Ground to Undying Love 31


Hsi-feng, Taken by Surprise, Gives Way to Jealousy 45

Ping-erh, Unexpectedly Gratified, Makes Her Toilet 45


Two Girls Pledge Friendship After a Heart-to-Heart Talk 60

A Plaintive Poem Is Written One Windy, Rainy Evening 60


An Old Reprobate Makes an Unseemly Proposal 76

Yuan-yang Vows Never to Marry 76


A Stupid Bully Is Beaten Up for His Amorous Advances 93

A Cool Young Gentleman Leaves Home for Fear of Reprisals 93

CHAPTER 48 109

A Rebuffed Reprobate Decides on a Journey 109

An Aspiring Maid Racks Her Brains to Write Poetry 109

CHAPTER 49 124

White Snow and Red Plum-Blossom Make the Garden Entrancing 124

Girls Enjoy Rustic Fare at a Venison Barbecue 124

CHAPTER 50 140

In Reed Snow Cottage Girls Vie in Composing a Collective Poem 140

In Warm Scented Arbour Fine Lantern Riddles Are Made 140

CHAPTER 51 159

Pao-chin Composes Poems Recalling the Past 159

An Incompetent Physician Prescribes Strong Medicine 159

CHAPTER 52 176

Tactful Ping-erh Conceals the Theft of Her Gold Bracelet 176

Plucky Ching-wen Mends a Peacock-Feather Cape in Bed 176

CHAPTER 53 193

Ancestral Sacrifice Is Carried Out on New Year’s Eve in the Ning Mansion 193

An Evening Banquet Is Held on the Feast of Lanterns in the Jung Mansion 193

CHAPTER 54 212

The Lady Dowager Debunks Trite Stories 212

Hsi-feng Clowns to Amuse Her Elders 212

CHAPTER 55 231

A Stupid Concubine Insults Her Own Daughter in a Futile Squabble 231

A Spiteful Servant Imposes upon Her Young Mistress 231

CHAPTER 56 248

Clever Tan-chun Devises a Scheme to Make a Profit and End Abuses 248

Understanding Pao-chai Rounds It Out with a Small Act of Kindness 248

CHAPTER 57 266

Artful Tzu-chuan Tests Pao-yu’s Feelings 266

Kindly Aunt Hsueh Comforts Tai-yu 266

CHAPTER 58 289

Under the Shade of an Apricot Tree an Actress Mourns Her Stage Lover 289

The Master of Happy Red Court Sympathizes with the Girl’s Infatuation 289

CHAPTER 59 305

Ying-erh and Chun-yen Are Scolded by Willow Bank 305

And Red Rue Studio Sends for Reinforcements 305

CHAPTER 60 316

Jasmine Powder Is Substituted for Rose-Nitric Powder 316

Rose Flavoured Juice Is Repaid with Pachyma Cocos 316

CHAPTER 61 333

Pao-yu Covers Up a Girl’s Theft to Protect His Sister 333

Ping-erh Wields Authority to Right a Wrong 333

CHAPTER 62 348

Sweet Hsiang-yun Sleeps Tipsily Among Peonies 348

Silly Hsiang-ling Coyly Takes Off Her Pomegranate Skirt 348

CHAPTER 63 374

Girls Feast at Night to Celebrate Pao-yu’s Birthday 374

Chia Ching Dies of an Elixir and Madam Yu Manages the Funeral Single-Handed 374

CHAPTER 64 399

A Chaste Girl in Sad Seclusion Writes Poems on Five Beauties 399

An Amorous Libertine Drops His Nine-Dragon Pendant 399

CHAPTER 65 421

A Hen-Pecked Young Profligate Takes a Concubine in Secret 421

A Wanton Girl Mends Her Ways and Picks Herself a Husband 421

CHAPTER 66 436

A Girl in Love Is Rejected and Kills Herself 436

A Cold-Hearted Man Repents and Turns to Religion 436

CHAPTER 67 448

A Gift of Local Products Makes Tai-yu Homesick 448

Hsi-feng Questions a Page Boy and Hatches a Plot 448

CHAPTER 68 472

Unhappy Second Sister Yu Is Decoyed into Grand View Garden 472

Jealous Hsi-feng Makes a Scene in the Ning Mansion 472

CHAPTER 69 489

Crafty Hsi-feng Kills Her Rival by Proxy 489

And Second Sister Swallows Gold and Dies 489

CHAPTER 70 506

Tai-yu Starts Another Poetry Club —Peach -Blossom Society 506

Hsiang-yun Dashes Off a Poem on Willow Catkins 506

CHAPTER 71 520

Lady Hsing Feeling Wronged Puts Hsi-feng in the Wrong 520

Yuan-yang Happens upon Two Lovers 520

CHAPTER 72 540

Hsi-feng Puts up a Bold Front, Ashamed to Admit Her Illness 540

Lai Wang’s Wife Relies on Her Mistress’ Power to Force Through a Match for Her Son 540

CHAPTER 73 556

A Foolish Maid by Chance Picks up a Pornographic Pouch 556

A Timid Young Lady Ignores the Loss of Her Gold Phoenix Tiara 556

CHAPTER 74 572

Malicious Talk Makes Lady Wang Have a Search Made of the Garden 572

To Guard Her Integrity Hsi-chun Breaks with the Ning Mansion 572

CHAPTER 75 594

At a Feast One Night Portentous Sighing Is Heard 594

New Poems on the Moon Festival Are Taken as Good Omens 594

CHAPTER 76 614

By Convex Emerald Hall Fluting Fills an Old Lady with Grief 614

In Concave Crystal Lodge Girls Composing a Poem Lament Their Loneliness 614

CHAPTER 77 631

A Pretty Maid Wrongly Accused Dies an Untimely Death 631

Lovely Actresses Sever Worldly Ties and Join a Nunnery 631

CHAPTER 78 652

An Old Scholar at Leisure Has Eulogies Composed 652

His Unorthodox, Witless Son Laments the Hibiscus 652

CHAPTER 79 676

Hsueh Pan Marries a Fierce Lioness and Repents Too Late 676

Ying-chun Is Wrongly Wedded to an Ungrateful Wolf 676

CHAPTER 80 687

Lovely Hsiang-ling Is Unjustly Thrashed by Her Lecherous Husband 687

The Taoist Priest Wang Prescribes a Cure for a Shrew 687