《全国专业技术人员职称外语等级考试 职称英语专用教材 卫生类A/B/C级》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:全国专业技术人员职称外语等级考试专家指导组编著;全国专业技术人员职称外语等级考试指导中心监制
  • 出 版 社:北京:电子工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787121147999
  • 页数:351 页

职称英语等级考试介绍及解题方法 1

第一部分 词汇选项 29

词汇学习1 29

词汇学习2 29

词汇学习3 30

词汇学习4 31

词汇学习5 32

词汇学习6 33

词汇学习7 33

词汇学习8 34

词汇学习9 35

词汇学习10 36

答案与题解 37

第二部分 阅读判断 45

第一篇 Polls about Health Care 45

第二篇 Career Women Are Twice As Likely to Have Heart Attacks 46

第三篇 Beijing: Thank You for Not Smoking? 48

第四篇 Are You A Member of The Sleepless Elite? 50

第五篇 Older dads’ children are “less intelligent” 52

第六篇 New Math in HIV Fight 54

第七篇 There is No Such Thing as a Safe Amount of Alcohol 56

第八篇 A Highly Toxic Strain of E.Coli 58

第九篇 Want to Marry A Doctor? Survey Shows Most Do 59

第十篇 Cut Meat Production And Consumption 61

第十一篇 Genetic Code Linked to Short Sight Found 62

第十二篇 Green Tea Helps Prevent Heart Disease 64

第十三篇 As Cell phone Use Rises, the Health Risks Remain 66

第十四篇 Researchers hopeful of Chinese remedy for UK drugs indust 68

第十五篇 Cats May Be Spreading Brain Cancer to Their Owners 70

第三部分 概括大意和完成句子 72

第一篇 Mean to Quit? 72

第二篇 More Evidence on the Importance of Sleep 74

第三篇 Healthy Way of Cooking Instant Noodles 75

第四篇 Skipping Meals Affects Health 77

第五篇 Juice Good or Bad 79

第六篇 Pregnancy Addles Women’s Brains? 81

第七篇 Kids and Sleep: They Need More 83

第八篇 We are happiest at 74 85

第九篇 Two Tomato-based Meals A Day for Health 87

第十篇 How Romantic Comedies Can Harm Your Love Life 89

第十一篇 Genetically Modified Foods: Are They Safe? 91

第十二篇 A Genetic Test For Prospective Parents 93

第十三篇 Secret for Popularity of Left-handed Leaders 95

第十四篇 A New Flu Virus Going around The US 97

第十五篇 Scientist Sees Aging Cured 99

第四部分 阅读理解 101

第一篇 Smoking and Health 101

第二篇 Experts Doubt The Benefits of Excessive Drinking Water 103

第三篇 Short Sleepers 104

第四篇 Better to Communicate More with Babies 106

第五篇 Who Will Benefit from The Drug Benefit? 108

第六篇 Dogs Can Be Jealous, Say Scientists 111

第七篇 Save The Endangered Species 112

第八篇 Precaution Vs Premature Death 114

第九篇 Senior Citizen Discounts 116

第十篇 Does Gender Matters 118

第十一篇 New Antibiotics That Could Fight The Super Bug 120

第十二篇 Communication and Lie 122

第十三篇 A New High-Performance Contact Lens 124

第十四篇 You’re What You Eat And Drink 126

第十五篇 It’s Good Science That Matters 128

第十六篇 Eyesight and Dental Problems Increase chances of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease 131

第十七篇 British National Health Service 132

第十八篇 A New Influenza Virus 134

第十九篇 Get Mentally and Physically Healthy 136

第二十篇 The Most Effective Coping Strategies for People Dealing with Failures 138

第二十一篇 Not Ill vs.Well 140

第二十二篇 Simply Being Thin Is Not Enough 142

第二十三篇 Heels—Angel or Evil 144

第二十四篇 Do More with Less 146

第二十五篇 Palliative Care 148

第二十六篇 War on Drugs Should Be Fought in The Best Manner Possible 151

第二十七篇 Unintentional Mistakes 153

第二十八篇 Cold Or Flu 155

第二十九篇 Take Action for Exercises 156

第三十篇 Everyone Is Bom Different 158

第三十一篇 Repeated Use of A Substance Leads to Physical Addiction or Substance Dependence 160

第三十二篇 Are Differences Between People Diminished? 163

第三十三篇 Talents Are Made, Not Born 165

第三十四篇 How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing? 167

第三十五篇 Neutralizing Sodium’s Heart Impact 169

第三十六篇 Men Or Women: Who Are Under Stress? 172

第三十七篇 What Late-life Parents Most Concern? 174

第三十八篇 It Is Still A Long Way to Go 176

第三十九篇 It Is Time for Government to Take Action 178

第四十篇 Well-meaning Medical Initiatives Translate into Better Care 180

第四十一篇 Cloning 183

第四十二篇 Functional Forgetting 185

第四十三篇 The NT Rights of The Terminally I11 Law 187

第四十四篇 The Trend in Height 189

第四十五篇 Hemisphere Sleep 191

第四十六篇 Mind Can Alter The Immune Response 194

第四十七篇 Poverty Is OK As Long As It’s Average 196

第四十八篇 Gain in Quality Or Quantity 198

第四十九篇 There’s No Way Around The Uncertainty 201

第五十篇 Real-World Violence&Media Violence 203

第五部分 补全短文 206

第一篇 An Extra 20 Minutes of Sleep Per Night Gives You a Lower Body Mass 206

第二篇 Brain-boosting Food Remedy Brain Function Decline 207

第三篇 One in Four Fathers Get the Baby Blues 209

第四篇 Black Leggings Can Carry Health Hazards 210

第五篇 Cut in Calorie Intake Improves Memory among Elderly 211

第六篇 It’s A Virtual Life for Flu-bound Mexicans 213

第七篇 Steve Jobs to Cube Rats: Don’t Settle 214

第八篇 Want to live longer? Get a grip! 215

第九篇 Nursing Home Cat Can Sense Death 217

第十篇 Kids With High IQs Grow Up to Be Vegetarians 218

第十一篇 Dreaming may make you smarter 219

第十二篇 Secret of Happiness Is Remembering The Good Times 221

第十三篇 Eating While Working Can Make You Fat 222

第十四篇 Dress Me in Red 224

第十五篇 Two Cups of Coffee A Day Reverse The Effects of Alzheimer’s disease 225

第六部分 完形填空 228

第一篇 Why Women Live Longer Than Men 228

第二篇 Don’t Bank on Weekend to Make up for Sleep Loss 230

第三篇 A Cushy Job 232

第四篇 Supplements Can Increase the Risk of Bleeding 234

第五篇 Nuclear Age Has Led to Baby Boy Boom 235

第六篇 Handling Cash Better at Killing Pain Than Aspirin 238

第七篇 Smart Eating 240

第八篇 Words Can Cause Physical Pain 242

第九篇 Opposites Attract in Human Search for Mate 244

第十篇 Anger Really Can Kill You 246

第十一篇 Surrounded by Friends? It’s in Your Genes 248

第十二篇 Beijing Heats Up, Talks About It 250

第十三篇 Obsession with Calorie Counting Means Cut out Nutrient-rich Foods 252

第十四篇 Bone Marrow Transplant Cured Patient of HIV Virus 253

第十五篇 Night Shift Work May Cause Cancer 255

2011年度全国职称英语等级考试试题及答案卫生类(A级)试题 258

2011年度全国职称英语等级考试试题卫生类(A级)答案 269

2011年度全国职称英语等级考试试题及答案卫生类(B级)试题 270

2011年度全国职称英语等级考试试题卫生类(B级)答案 280

2011年度全国职称英语等级考试试题及答案卫生类(C级)试题 281

2011年度全国职称英语等级考试试题卫生类(C级)答案 291

附录 292