
  • 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:周开亚著
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787030320810
  • 页数:714 页

一、白鱀豚的系统发生位置和保护生物学 3

在长江下游发现的白鳍豚 3

白鱀豚的分布调查 5

白鱀豚研究的新进展 16

白鱀豚的骨骼和分类位置 22

First discovery of a Tertiary Platanistoid fossil from Asia 43

Molecular systematics of river dolphins inferred from complete mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene sequences 50

Molecular phylogenetics of"river dolphins"and the baiji mitochondrial genome 60

长江下游南京至太阳洲江段白鱀豚和江豚的观察,兼论白鱀豚对环境的某些生理适应 72

长江下游南京至贵池江段白鱀豚的观察 81

关于白鱀豚的保护 83

A project to translocate the baiji,Lipotes vexillifer,from the mainstream of the Yangtze River to Tongling baiji Semi-nature Reserve 89

Status and aspects of the ecology and behavior of the baiji,Lipotes vexillifer,in the lower Yangtze River 95

Baiji(Lipotes vexillifer)in the lower Yangtze River:movements,numbers,threats and conservation needs 105

二、中国水域江豚的种群生物学 121

中国水域江豚外形的地理变异和江豚的三亚种 121

中国水域江豚颅骨的地理变异 134

中国水域江豚颅后骨骼的地理变异 144

江豚生命表和种群动态的研究 153

Population genetic structure of finless porpoises,Neophocaena phocaenoides,in Chinese waters,inferred from mitochondrial control region sequences 161

Growth and reproduction of three populations of finless porpoise,Neophocaena phocaenoides,in Chinese waters 173

Abundance and distribution of finless porpoises in the Nanjing-Hukou section of the lower Yangtze River 187

三、白鱀豚和江豚的形态学 197

白鱀豚的胃 197

江豚和白鱀豚视网膜神经节细胞的研究 206

江豚的小肾结构指数和尿浓缩能力 215

Sexual dimorphism in the baiji,Lipotes vexillifer 222

The number of fibers and range of fiber diameters in the cochlear nerve of three odontocete species 240

Fiber analysis of the optic and cochlear nerves of small cetaceans 249

四、中国海域其他海洋哺乳动物 265

南海与九龙江的三种海豚 265

Pseudorca crassidens(Owen)from the coastal waters of China 277

Distribution of the dolphins of the genus Tursiops in the China seas 286

中国近海的两种宽吻海豚 291

中国沿岸漫游的环海豹及其他鳍脚类 301

Records of small cetaceans in Chinese waters:a review 308

Distribution and abundance of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins in Leizhou Bay,China 328

五、两栖爬行动物 341

Phylogenetic relationships among Chinese ranids inferred from sequence data set of 12S and 16S rDNA 341

Phylogeography and demographic history of Chinese black-spotted frog populations(Pelophylax nigromaculata):Evidence for independent refugia expansion and secondary contact 355

云南半叶趾虎的新亚种 380

壁虎属三新种兼记铅山壁虎 388

New species of Gekko(Squamata:Sauria:Gekkonidae)from China:morphological and molecular evidence 399

Phylogenetic relationships among gekkotan lizards inferred from C-mos nuclear DNA sequences and a new classification of the Gekkota 411

Interrelationships among gekkonid geckos inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences 435

The divergence of two independent lineages of an endemic Chinese gecko,Gekko swinhonis,launched by the Qinling orogenic belt 453

The complete mitochondrial genome of Gekko gecko(Reptilia:Gekkonidae)and support for the monophyly of Sauria including Amphisbaenia 470

Evolution of the mitochondrial genome in snakes:Gene rearrangements and phylogenetic relationships 481

六、节肢动物的分子系统发生和线粒体全基因组 495

Molecular systematics of the Asian mitten crabs,genus Eriocheir(Crustacea:Brachyura) 495

The mitochondrial sequences of Heptathela hangzhouensis and Ornithoctonus huwena reveal unique gene arrangements and atypical tRNAs 508

Mitochondrial genome of the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheirjaponica sinenesis(Brachyura:Thoracotre mata:Grapsoidea)reveals a novel gene order and two target regions ot gene rearrangements 531

Incongruous nuclear and mitochondrial phylogeographic patterns in two sympatric lineages of the wolf spider Pardosa astrigera(Araneae:Lycosidae)from China 548

The complete mitochondrial genome of Parafronurus youi(Insecta:Ephemeroptera)and phylogenetic position of the Ephemeroptera 575

The complete mitochondrial genome of Symphylella sp.(Myriapoda:Symphyla):Extensive gene order rearrangement and evidence in favor of Progoneata 590

The complete mitochondrial genome of the bristletail Pedetontus silvestrii(Archaeognatha:Machilidae)and an examination of mitochondrial gene variability within four bristletails 610

七、中华绒螯蟹功能基因的克隆和鉴定 623

中华绒螯蟹蜕皮抑制激素1(Ers-MIH1)基因组DNA的分子克隆和序列分析 623

Molecular cloning,mRNA expression,and characterization of HSP90 gene from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir japonica sinensis 634

Identification,mRNA expression and characterization of a novel ANK-like gene from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir japonica sinensis 651

Identification,mRNA expression and characterization of proliferating cell nuclear antigen gene from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir japonica sinensis 667

Identification and characteristics of a novel gene,EJ01,in the Chinese mitten crab(Eriocheir japonica sinensis)ovary 682

周开亚暨合作者著作目录 692