《世界建筑 NO.57》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:6 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:陈桂英
  • 出 版 社:胡氏图书出版社
  • 出版年份:1983
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:47 页

桃树中心广场旅馆 Peachtree Center Plaza Hotel 9

圆柱塔和基座的鸟瞰 Aerial view of tower and podium 9

桃树中心全景(左:桃树中心广场旅馆;右:海雅特旅馆) General view of Peachtree Center (left) Peachtree Center Plaza Hotel (right) Hyatt Regency 10

临桃树街的立面 Facade on Peachtree street 12

内庭中五层楼高的“挑空” The five storey atrium of hotel 13

内庭“人工湖”俯瞰 Looking down at ‘Lake’ in the atrium 14

人工湖的另一角度 Different view of same 16

结构、天窗、内庭横越的天桥等之组合 Composition of structure, skylight, and bridges within the atrium 17

俯视阳台和“人工湖” View of ‘Lake’ and overlooking terraces 18

洛杉矶波那凡丘旅馆 Los Angeles Bonaventure Hotel 20

南向全景 General view from south 20

北向全景 View from north 22

从广场看麇集的高塔 View of convergent towers from plaza 23

室内中庭 View of atrium 24

内庭中的环状酒廊 View of cocktail ring in atrium 25

俯视环状酒廊及中庭 Pods attached to cocktail ring which overlook the atrium 26

酒廊的最上层 Top level of cocktail ring 28

位於内庭中最底层酒廊下的门厅 Lobby court under cocktail ring on lowest level of atrium 29

天窗 Looking up at skylight 30

文艺复兴中心 Renaissance Center 32

从底特律河畔看对岸的文艺复兴中心 General view of Renaissance Center across the Detroit river 32

横越内庭的天桥连接柜台和电梯 Bridge through the atrium connecting reception desk with elevator core 34

从环绕的天桥看位於地面层的内庭 View of atrium from circular bridge, at street level 35

环绕内庭的天桥 View of circular bridge 36

俯瞰内庭大厅 Looking down at atrium lobby 37

仰视挑空内庭 Looking up through atrium 38

大厅层中“湖”畔的餐厅 Restaurants on the ‘Lake’ side, at lobby level 39

旅馆塔帷幕墙玻璃上反映的闪耀阳光 Reflection of sun in curtain wall of the hotel tower 40