《中学英语拾级读物 第五级 第4册 宇宙的奥秘》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:邓叔野,曹雅梅编注
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1989
  • ISBN:7810093274
  • 页数:167 页

1.The Eiffel of Paris 1

2.House of Wax 4

3.Big Ben of London 6

4.The Magic World of Dolls 10

5.Keep Those Jets Moving 14

6.Life in a Big City 20

7.Natural Resources 24

8.Plains and Mountains 26

9.Volcanoes 28

10.Life in the Universe 31

11.Stuck on Cactus 35

12.Do Touch! 39

13.Hats Off to Bossy! 42

14.Never Take an Elephant Out to Lunch 46

15.The Strange History of Ping-Pong 51

16.Play Ball! 55

17.Tug-of-War-a National Sport 60

18.Olympic Games-Past and Present 63

19.Judo 67

20.Good Manners 71

21.Bells Bells Bells. 74

22.Home,Sweet Home 78

23.Eating Tools 81

24.Stars and Stripes 84

25.The Red Cross 88

26.Happily Ever After 92

27.Picasso 97

28.Jules Verne's Trip to the Moon 100

29.The First Man in Space 105

30.He Gave Windows to the Blind 110

31."Mr.Automobile" 116

32.Life of Edison 121

33.George Stephenson and the Railways 127

34.A Sad Good-by(Ⅰ) 132

35.A Sad Good-by(Ⅱ) 138

36.Abraham Lincoln 143

37.The Founder of the Nobel Prizes 148

38.The Discovery of X-Rays 152

39.Birth of an Age(Ⅰ) 157

40.Birth of an Age(Ⅱ) 163