第一篇 亚洲金融合作与国际货币体系改革 3
全球金融体系改革及亚洲的选择:我们需要更深入地思考&李扬 3
走出“全球经济再平衡”的误区&王国刚 13
The Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis and Its Implications to Korea&Hyoungtae Kim 25
Regional Financial Cooperation in Asia&Yongchun Baek 32
The Asian Perspective on Discussions Regarding the New International Monetary System&Hansoo Kim 35
中国金融战略:在不确定中拓展未来的选择空间&程炼 41
第二篇 金融监管改革与亚洲金融市场 49
Asian Financial Market Development—Next Steps&Nicholas De Boursac 49
后金融危机时期亚洲资本市场建设与发展&谢庚 65
Evoluation of China's Financial Supervision and Regulation:1949-2011&Hu Bin 71
当前及“十二五”时期我国地方政府债务风险问题分析&刘勇 88
Private Equity Markets in Korea and China—Institutional Framework and Cooperation Issues&Yuhua An 97
全球债市格局重塑:亚洲的角色&高占军 136
Developing Asian Bond Markets by Facilitating Cross-border Transaction of Asian Currencies&Suk Hyun 144
宏观审慎政策框架与中国金融体系的系统性风险&胡滨 耿楠 159
对全球金融监管改革核心内容的再认识&尹振涛 165
第三篇 人民币国际化与亚洲货币合作 177
Internationalization of the Renminbi and Economic Exchanges between China and Korea&Kisoon Park 177
香港人民币离岸市场发展的困惑&张斌 187
Korean Won Internationalization and Regional Cooperation&Seungho Lee 191
Monetary Co-operations in Asia-Lessons from the experience of the Euro and Japan&Koji Sakuma 196
Increasing Cross-Border Capital Flow over China and Changes in the Role of RMB&Kumiko Okazaki 204