《世界建筑 NO.59》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:6 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:陈桂英
  • 出 版 社:胡氏图书出版社
  • 出版年份:1983
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:47 页

市民与市政中心 The Commons and Courthouse Center 9

从西北上空的鸟瞰图片 Aerial view from the north-west 9

从华盛顿街与第四街交叉口所见市民中心的全景 General view of the Commons from the intersection of Washington Street and Fourth Street 10

市民中心的北向立面 North facade of the Commons 12

杰恩廷格利之雕刻“混沌1号”从展示厅的走廊上所望 View from the promenade of the exhibition hall (left) sculpture “Chaos No.1” by Jean Tinguely 14

展示厅上部之天窗 Skylight over exhibition hall 16

从走廊所见之展示厅 Looking into exhibition hall from promenade 17

从夹层的休息室俯视之展示厅 Looking down into exhibition hall from lounge at mezzanine level 18

从展示厅向休息室仰视 Looking up at lounge from exhibition hall 19

从夹层走廊上所视商店游廊 View of shopping mall from mezzanine level promenade 20

商店游廊上部的天窗 Skylight of shopping mall 21

太平洋设计中心 Pacific Design Center 22

东北侧的全景(立面) General view from north-east 22

东南向立面入口 Main entrance in the south-east facade 24

同上 ditto 25

北侧全景(立面) General view from north 26

北向门厅内部 Interior of entrance hall facing north 28

北侧门廊 Porch on north side 29

彩虹大道及植物园 Rainbow Mall and Winter Garden 30

东侧全景 General view from east 30

北向立面 North elevation 32

庭园内眺望桥上向东所望 View from observation bridge facing east 34

从同一地点俯视庭园中央游廊 View from same position looking down on to the central promenade of the garden 35

仰视支承钢架之R.C.柱 Looking up at the R.C.column supporting the steel structure 36

从庭园仰视钢结构 Looking up at the steel structure from the garden 37

从庭园所望瀑布与眺望桥 Cascades and observation bridge from the garden 38

仰视南侧之桶形拱顶 Looking up at the barrel vault roof in the south side 39

东向立面之细部 Detail of east elevation 40