Ⅰ. Explaining Crime 19
1. Crime and Its Explanation 19
2. A Theory of Criminal Behavior 41
Ⅱ. Constitutional Factors 69
3. Constitutional Factors in Criminal Behavior 69
4. Gender 104
5. Age 126
6. Intelligence 148
7. Personality and Psychopathology 173
Ⅲ. Developmental Factors 213
8. Families 213
9. Broken and Abusive Families 245
10. Schools 264
Ⅳ. Social Context 289
11. Community 289
12. Labor Markets 312
13. Television and the Mass Media 337
14. Alcohol and Heroin 355
15. Altering the Social Context 374
Ⅴ. History and Culture 407
16. Historical Trends in Crime 407
17. Crime Across Cultures 439
18. Race and Crime 459
Ⅵ. Crime, Human Nature, and Society 489
19. Punishment and Personal Responsibility 489
20. Human Nature and the Political Order 508
Appendix 531
Notes 537
Ref erences 559
Index 613