1 Introduction: humanitarian intervention and the responsibility to protect 1
The humanitarian intervention conundrum 1
The responsibility to protect framework 3
Conceptual concerns 9
Overview and organization 12
PART Ⅰ R2P's theoretical weight 17
2 The responsibility to protect: sovereignty and human rights 19
The core of the dilemma: sovereignty versus human rights 19
The R2P balance: addressing the main objections to humanitarianintervention 39
Conclusion 46
3 Who authorizes interventions? 48
The ICISS approach to the question of authority 49
Authorizing the use of force 50
Legal interpretations 55
An overview of interventions in the post-Cold War era 60
R2P's answer to the authorization question 69
4 Who conducts interventions? 74
The specifics of interventions under the R2P banner 75
The R2P approach to operational questions of military intervention 78
Who has the capacity to act? 80
Conclusion 95
PART Ⅱ R2P's practical dimensions 99
5 From concept to norm 101
Norms and normative consolidation processes 101
R2P's trajectory: emergence and evolution 103
Factors explaining R2P's normative advancement 117
Does R2P have legal force? 130
Conclusion 134
6 From normative development to implementation 136
Cases where R2P has been considered 137
The gaps between the normative and the operational dimensions of R2P 145
The way forward: diminishing the gaps 154
7 Conclusion 168
Theoretical contributions 170
Practical considerations 174
Notes 179
Bibliography 190
Index 206