• 购买积分:46 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:KLUWER
  • 出版年份:1996
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:2026 页

1. Act to provide for weekly rest for salaried employees and wage-earners,13 July 1906 15

2. Act to institute annual paid leave in industry, commerce, the liberal pro-fessions, domestic service and agriculture, 20 June 1936 30

3. Act to institute the forty-hour week in industrial and commercial estab-lishments and to lay down working hours in underground mines, 21 June 1936 38

4. Act respecting the organisation of occupational medical services, 11 October 1946 (No. 46-2195) 45

5. Constitution of the French Republic, Preamble, paragraph 7, 27 October 1946 47

6. Act respecting the resettlement of handicapped workers, 23 November1957 (No. 57-1123) 48

7. Ordinance to encourage schemes for associating employees in the under-takings they work for or giving them material incentives, 7 January 1959(No. 59-126) 64

8. Act respecting the National Employment Fund, 18 December 1963 (No.63-1260) 71

9. Ordinance respecting employees' participation in the benefits resulting from the expansion of their undertakings, 17 August 1967 (No. 67-693) 87

10. Ordinance respecting undertakings' savings schemes, 17 August 1967 (No. 67-694) 102

11. Act to reform the guaranteed minimum wage and to create a minimum growth wage, 2 January 1970 (No. 70-7) 109

12. Act respecting apprenticeship, 16 July 1971 (No. 71-576) 111

13. Act to guarantee employees a minimum monthly remuneration, 23 De-cember 1972 (No. 72-1169) 126

14. Act to amend the Labour Code with regard to the termination of indefi-nite contracts of employment, 13 July 1973 (No. 73-680) 128

15. Act to amend and amplify the Labour Code in regard to the rules apply-ing specifically to women, Section L.298 of the Social Insurance Codeand Sections 187-1 and 416 of the Penal Code, 11 July 1975 (No. 75-625) 143

16. Act to institute a rest period in compensation for overtime, 16 July 1976(No. 76-657) 151

17. Act respecting measures to enhance the prevention of accidents at work,6 December 1976 (No. 76-1106) 165

18. Act to institute parental child-raising leave, 12 July 1977 (No. 77-766) 181

19. Act respecting undertakings' annual social progress reports, 12 July 1977 (No. 77-769) 189

20. Decree respecting the organisation of the non-central labour and employ-ment services, 24 November 1977 (No. 77-1288) 191

21. Act respecting the changeover to monthly-paid status and collective agreement procedures, 19 January 1978 (No. 78-49) 198

22. Act to amend certain provisions of Title 1 of Book V of the Labour Code as to individual disputes boards, 18 January 1979 (No. 79-44) 208

23. Decree to amend Book Ⅲ of the Labour Code with particular reference to the rules of the National Employment Agency, 23 January 1980 (No.80-92) 224

24. Act respecting the protection of the jobs of employees sustaining an employment accident or contracting an occupational disease, 7 January1981 (No. 81-3) 231

25. Act respecting part-time work, 28 January 1981 (No. 81-64) 238

26. Act to amend various provisions of the Labour Code respecting the employment of foreign workers in an irregular situation and to amend Sections L.341-1 et seq. of the Labour Code, 17 October 1981 (No. 81-941) 246

27. Ordinance for the purpose of reducing the possibilities of receiving both retirement pensions and earned income, 30 March 1982 (No. 82-290) 254

28. Act respecting workers' freedoms in the undertaking, 4 August 1982 (No. 82-689) 256

29. Act respecting the expansion of institutions representing the staff, amend-ing Title 1 Trade Unions, Title 2 Staff Delegates and Title 3 WorksCommittees of the Labour Code, 28 October 1982 (No. 82-915) 269

30. Act respecting collective bargaining and the settlement of collective labour disputes, 13 November 1982 (No. 82-957) 373

31. Act respecting health, safety and working conditions committees, 23 December 1982 (No. 82-1097) 406

32. Act to amend the Labour and Penal Codes respecting equality in employ- ment between women and men (Title Ⅰ, Section 1), 13 July 1983 (No.83-635) 416

33. Act respecting democratisation of the public sector, 26 July 1983 (No.83-675) 423

34. Act to institute leave to set up business and sabbatical leave for employ-ees, 3 January 1984 (No. 84-4) 445

35. Act to reform continuing vocational training and to make consequent amendments to the Labour Code, 24 February 1984 (No. 84-130) 453

36. Ordinance respecting replacement income for involuntarily unemployed workers, 21 March 1984 (No. 84-198) 487

37. Act respecting the salvaging and liquidation of undertakings by order of the court, 25 January 1985 (No. 85-98) 503

38. Act respecting leave for economic, social and trade union training, 30 December 1985 (No. 85-1409) 511

39. Act to abolish government authorisation for dismissals, 3 July 1986 (No.86-797) 517

40. Ordinance to amend the provisions of the Labour Code respecting fixed-term contracts, temporary work and part-time work, 11 August 1986(No. 86-948) 528

41. Ordinance to amend the provisions of the Labour Code respecting fixed-term contracts, temporary work and part-time work, 11 August 1986(No. 86-948) 541

42. Ordinance to amend the provisions of the Labour Code respecting fixed-term contracts, temporary work and part-time work, 11 August 1986(No. 86-948) 552