《Comparative Law Casebook》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:18 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Stefan A. Riesenfeld
  • 出 版 社:Transnational Publishers
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:9781571052209;1571052208
  • 页数:626 页


1 /Judicial Organization 3

A. France 3

1. The French Constitution 3

2. The French Judicial System 5

a. Organization of French Courts other than Administrative Courts 5

1) Courts of First Instance 5

2) Appellate Courts 6

3) The Court of Last Resort: Court of Cassation 6

(a) History 6

(b) Present Organization 7

(c) Plenary Sessions 7

(d) Decisions on the Merits 8

(e) Advisory Jurisdiction 9

(f) Deliberations.of the Court of Cassation 9

(g) Cassation under the New Code of Civil Procedure 9

b. Constitutional Court (Conseil Constitutionnel) 10

c. Administrative Courts 11

1) History 11

2) Present Organization 12

3) The Council of State Composition and Functions 13

4) The Litigation Section 14

d. The Court for the Resolution of Jurisdictional Conflicts (Tribunal des Conflits) 15

3.Legislation 15

a. Code of Judicial Organization [C.Org.jud.] 15

b. New Code of Civil Procedure [N.C.pr.civ.] 17

4. Cases and Notes: The French Courts in Operation 17

a. Judgment of November 29, 1996 (The Chaumet Jewels) 17

Appendix 18

Note 18

b. Judgment of May 21, 1990 (Case of Dominique N.) 19

Notes 27

c. Judgment of December 11, 1992 (In the Matter of Rene X.) 28

Notes 29

d. Judgment of May 4, 1994 (Farhat Saidi) 32

Notes 33

e. Judgment of November 15, 1993 (Mrs.Aylor) 33

Notes 35

B. Italy 36

1. Italian Judicial System 36

a. Ordinary Courts 36

Court of Cassation 36

b. Administrative Courts 37

c. Constitutional Court 38

d. The Constitutional Court and Community Law 39

2. Legislation on Review of Constitutionality 40

a. Constitutional Law of February 9, 1948 40

b. Law of March 11, 1953, N.87 41

3. Cases and Notes 42

a. Judgment of January 19, 1993 (In re Mujanovic and Hakimi) 42

Notes 46

b. Judgment of April 28, 1994 (In re Potenziani) 47

Notes 52

c. Judgment of January 29, 1996, No.15 (Samo Pahor) 52

d. Judgment of January 23, 1974, No.13 (Regional Government of Bolzano) 55

Note 56

C. Germany 56

1. Introduction 56

2. German Court System 57

a. Ordinary Courts 57

b. Federal Constitutional Court 59

3. Texts 62

a. The Basic Law [ GG ] 63

b. Law on the Federal Constitutional Court [BVerfGG] 64

c. Law on the Organization of Courts Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz [GVG] 67

d. Law for the Preservation of the Uniformity of the Adjudications of the Supreme Courts of the Federal Republic [RsprEinhG] 68

4. Illustrative Cases 69

a. Lost use-value Case 69

Resolution of July 9, 1986 (Compensation for economic loss) 69

b. Intervening Excessive Security Case 74

Notes 83

c. Resolution of April 27, 1993 (Delay in the Composition of Reasons) 84

Notes 87

d. Decision of March 3, 1991 (Equality of Sexes) 88

Notes 96

e. Legal Judge and Overstaffed Divisions of Courts 97

f. Composition of the Bench and Art.101 I2 GG 99

Notes 102

D. Russian Federation 103

Law of July 23, 1994 establishing the Constitutional Court 103

Note 115

E. Republic of Hungary 115

1. Introduction 115

2. Texts 116

3. Illustrative Case 116

F. United Kingdom 117

1. Organization of the Courts 117

a. House of Lords 118

b. Court of Appeal 118

c. High Court of Justice 119

d. County Courts 119

2. Case: Regina v.Secretary of State for Employment 119

G. Brazil 131

1. Introduction 131

2. Direct Action for Declaration of Unconstitutionality of Normative Acts [ADIn]: Preliminary Notes 133

3. Review of Constitutionality of Norms 133

4. Cases and Notes 135

a. Judgment of February 6, 1992 (ADIn 2) National Federation of Teaching Establishments v. President of the Republic 135

Notes 142

b. Judgment of February 19,1992 Party for the Brazilian Democratic Movement 142

Note 147

Sequels 148

H. Spain 149

1. The Spanish Judicial System 149

2. Texts 150

a. Constitution of December 27, 1978 of Spain 150

b. Organic Law on the Constitutional Tribunal October 3, 1979, as amended 152

Notes 155

I. Chile 157

1. Introduction 157

2. Texts 158

Political Constitution of Chile 158

Note 161

3. Cases 162

a. In the Matter of Cortes Heyermann, M. 162

Notes 166

b. Sociedad Benefactora y Educacional Dignidad 167

Notes 174

2/Sources of Law 177

A. Legislative and Executive Sources of Law 177

B. Laws of Different Status 178

C. Codes and Codification 179

Notes 182

3/Applicability of Foreign Law 185

A. Germany 185

1. Pledge under English Law: The Emerald Necklace Case 185

Note: BGH, Judgment of May 9, 1996. 190

2. Right to Indemnification for Reclaimed Stolen Property 191

B. France 195

1. Caselaw 195

a. Societe Heinrich Otto v.Mme Guyon 195

Note 196


4/Dignity of Men and Women in the Workplace 199

Introduction 199

A. United States 200

1. Legislation 200

a. U.S.Constitution, Amendment ⅩⅣ (1865) 200

b. 78 STAT.255 (Civil Rights Act of 1964) s.703 200

c. 29 Code of Federal Regulations Ch.ⅩⅣ (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) 201

d. California, Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government Code 12940) 203

2. Cases 203

a. Harris v.Forklift Systems, Inc.114 S.Ct.367 (1993) 203

Notes 206

b. Collins v.Rizkana 652 N.E.2d 653 209

B. European Union 214

Commission Recommendation on the Protection of the dignity of women and men at work 214

Notes 226

C. United Kingdom 227

1. Legislation 227

a. Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (c65) 227

2. Caselaw 227

Wadman v.Carpenter Farrer Partnership 227

Notes 229

D. France 232

1. Legislation 232

a. Labor Code 232

b. Criminal Code 232

2. Caselaw 233

a. Judgment of June 30, 1993 233

Notes 233

E. Germany 234

Legislation 234

a. Basic Law (amended 1994) 234

b. Second Law for the Achievement of Equal Rights for Men and Women 234

Notes 236

F. Italy 237

5/Privacy 239

Introduction 239

A. Germany 241

1. Resolution of February 14, 1973 (Princess Soraya) 241

Notes 250

2. Resolution of February 24, 1971 (Mephisto) 251

Notes (Luth) 255

3. Resolution of March 9, 1988 (Publication of Incompetency because of Alcoholism) 256

4. Notable German Cases on the Right of Personality 258

B. United States 262

1. Introduction 262

2. Cases 262

a. Diaz v.Oakland Tribune 263

Note: Briscoe v.Reader’s Digest Ass’n 271

b. Galella v. Jacqueline Onassis 272

Notes 277

C. Italy 278

1. Caselaw 278

a. Princess Soraya Esfandiari 278

Notes: Austria Tabakwerke v.Veronesi 283

D. France 284

1. Legislation on the Right of Personality 284

Code Civil, Art.9 284

2. Cases 284

a. Princess Caroline of Monaco 284

Note 285

b. Le Grand Secret 285

Notes 287

c. Societe de press “Jours de France” c.Farah Diba 288

Notes 290

d. Soc.Mail Newspaper PLC et al.c.Prince Karim Aga Khan et al. 290

Notes 292

E. Switzerland 293

1. Legislation 293

2. Case 294

a. Association of Swiss Journalists v.Canton ofAargau. 294

Notes 296



6/Standby Letters of Credit Guaranties on First Demand 299

Introduction 299

A. England 301

1. Cases 301

a. HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corp.v.Kloeckner & Co. A.G.Queen’s Bench Division, 1989 [1990]2 QB 514; [1990] 2 WLR 634. 301

Note 309

b. United City Merchants v.Royal Bank of Canada House of Lords, 1982 [1982] 2 WLR 1039. 310

Notes 318

B.Germany 318

1.Cases 318

a. Interpretation of the Scope of the Undertaking.Judgment of April 26, 1994, BGH, 15 ZIP 857 (1994), 48 WM 1063 (1994). 318

Notes: Guarantees on First Demand 322

b. Pleading Required for Claim on Suretyship on First Demand. Judgment of October 28, 1993, BGH, 55 KTS 215 (1994). 323

c. Restitution of Payments Made by a Bank as Surety on First Demand.Judgment of March 9, 1989 BGH 42 NJW 1606 (1989), 43 WM 709 (1989). 327

Notes 330

d. Prerequisites of an Injunction against Payment Judgment of June 14, 1990 Hanseatic Court of Appeals, Bremen 44 WM 1369 (1990). 331

Notes 334

C. United States 334

1. Cases 334

a. Rockwell International v.Citibank 719 F.2d 583. 334

Notes 341

b. Mellon Bank v.General Electric Credit 724 F.Supp.360 342

Notes 349

c. Matter of Compton Corp.831 F.2d 586 351

d. In re Slamans 69 F.3d 468 360

D. France 366

1. Cases 366

a. Banque francaise du commerce exterieur (BFCE) c.S.A. Rhone-Merieux Judgment of June 7, 1994 366

b. Spouses Billet et al.c.Caisse Regionale de Credit Agricole du Gers Judgment of May 10, 1994 367

Notes 368

c. Societe de droit europeen Tengor Inc.et al.c.Societe Melair Prestige et al.Judgment of November 6, 1990 369

d. Konutbank c.Banque Byblos-France Judgment of February 19, 1991 373

Notes 375

e. Rafidain Bank c.S.A.Credit Industriel et Commercial (C.I.C.) et autre Judgment of January 24, 1989 376

Notes 377

f. Societe Le Couviour internationale c.Banque Indosuez Judgment of February 19, 1991 377

Note 378

E. Switzerland 379

C.R.v.L.SA Judgment of August 20, 1991 ATF 117 Ⅲ76 379

Notes 383

F. Italy 384

1. Caselaw 384

a. S.A.Unione di Banche Svizzere c.Maxfin spa e Banca d’Arnerica e d’Italia Judgment of October 6, 1989 384

Notes 386

Bibliography 387

7/Security of Performance by Comfort Letters 391

Introduction 391

A. Germany 391

1. Cases 391

a. Judgment of January 30, 1992 391

BGH, 53 KTS 275 (1992); 13 ZIP 338 (1992); 46 WM 501 (1992). 391

Note 396

B. England 396

1. Case 396

a. Kleinwort Benson v.Malaysia Mining QB Court of Appeal (1989), [1989] 1 WLR 379 = [ 1988] All ER 714. 396

Note 405

C. France 405

1. Cases 405

a.Court of Cassation (com.) Judgment of March 19, 1991, Compagnie generale de travaux et d’installations electriques c. Banque atlantique de Cote-d’lvoire, Judgment of March 19, 1991, Cass.com.1991 Bull.Civ.IV 77; D.53, 54 (1992). 405

Notes 406

b.Compagnie generale de banque Citibank c.S.A.Le Credit d’equipement des petites et moyennes entreprises et autres Court of Cassation (com.) Judgment of October 23, 1990, 1990 Bull.civ.Ⅳ 256; =65 J.C.P.(ed.E.) Ⅱ 154 (1991), (n.Larroumet) = 65 J.C.P. (ed.G.) Ⅱ21684 (1991). 407

Notes 408

c. SNE Sitraco c.Societe Curtainwalls Unlimited Inc.Court of Cassation (com.) Judgment of March 19, 1991 D.Jur.54 (1992) 409

Note 410

d. Soc.anon.Viuda de Jose Tolra v.Societe regionale de developpnent du Languedoc-Rousillon (SODLER ) Court of Cassation (con.) Judgment of Dec.21, 1987, Rec.D/S Jur.112 (1989); 62 J.C.P. Ⅱ2113 (1988) (with conclusions of avocat general Michel Montonier). 410

Notes 412

D. Italy 412

1. Caselaw 412

a. Cassa di Risparmio v.Selle Aquila 412

Note 414

E. United States 414

Note on Hester Int’l Corp.v.Fed.Rep.of Nigeria, 681 F.Supp.371 (N.D.Miss.1988). 414

F. Belgium 415

Note 415

G. Denmark 415

Note 415

H. Australia 415

Notes 415

I. Ivory Coast 416

Bibliography 416


8/Retained and Granted Security Interests 419

A. General Survey Security Interests in Tangible and Intangible Movable Property (Chattels and Choses-in-action) 419

B. Germany 420

1. Introduction 420

2. Cases 422

a. Recognition of the enlarged and extended retention-of-title clause: Firm W.v.Bank for W.&A., BGH, Judgment of February 16, 1957, 26 BGHZ 185 (1958). 422

Notes 427

b. Invalidity of anticipatory blanket assignment for security of all future claims against subpurchasers under extended retention-of-title clauses, Judgment of March 9, 1977, BGH, 31 WM 480 (1977) 432

Note 435

c. True factoring and elongated reservation of title. 435

U.GmbH v. G.KG Judgment of September 19, 1977, 69 BGHZ 254 (1978) 435

Note 439

C. United Kingdom 439

1.Statutes: 439

a. The Companies Act (1989) 439

b. Law of Property Act (1925) 441

c. Sale of Goods Act (1979) 441

2. Cases 442

a. Armour v.Thyssen Edelstahlwerke A.G. 442

Notes 448

b. E.Pfeiffer Weinkellerei-Weineinkauf GmbH & Co.v Arbuthnot Factors Ltd. 449

Note 461

c. Re Curtain Dream plc 462

Note 477

D. France 477

1. Introduction 477

2. Statutes 478

a. Bankruptcy Act 478

Note 480

b. Loi Dailly (1981) as amended 480

Notes 482

3. Document: Example of a Bordereau 483

4. Cases 485

a. Societe Radiola c.Societe Kerlann equipment Judgment of November 2, 1993. 485

Note 487

b. Etablissements Galle c.Msrs.Pavec et Philippot, as trustees in bankruptcy of the Societe des chargeurs agricoles Agroshipping, and another Judgment of January 9, 1990. 488

c. Societe Pogic et autre c.Societe Astral Judgment of January 9, 1990. 489

Notes 490

d. Societe Soufflet et Cie c.Societe Lesieur et autres Judgment of January 9, 1990. 491

Note 492

e. Banque Nationale de Paris c.Societe Micro-informatique et de Telecommunications et autres Judgment of June 20, 1989. 492

Note 494

f. Societe Heinrich Otto c.Mme Guyon Judgment of January 8, 1991. 494

Note 494

E. Security Interests in Italy 495

1. Introduction 495

2. Statutes 495

Notes 497

F. United States: Security Interests in Personal Property 498

1. Introduction Uniform Commercial Code 498

2. Statutes: U.C.C. 499

1-201 499

9-102 500

9-103 501

9-109 506

9-201 507

9-203 507

9-204 508

9-301 508

9-302 509

9-303 510

9-304 510

9-306 510

9-312 511

9/Factoring 513

Introduction 513

A. France 514

1. Cases 514

a. Sofinter c.Latimier et M.Hadengue 514

b. Societe francaise de Factoring International Factors France c. Societe Polysius Polygon 515

c. Societe Francaise de Factoring International Factors France (SFF) c.Societe des Transports Debeaux 516

B. Italy 517

1. Statutes 517


10/Protection of Bona Fide Purchasers of Tangible Movable Property 521

Introduction 521

A. England and Wales 523

1. Statutes 523

a. Factors Act 1889 523

b. Sale of Goods Act 1979 524

Notes 525

2. Cases 525

a. Pacic Motors 525

Notes 530

b. National Employers’ Mutual Insurance, Ltd.v.Jones 531

Notes 538

B. France 539

1. Statutes 539

2. Cases 540

a. Etablissements Galle c.Msrs.Pavec et Philippot 540

Notes 540

b. Compagnie d’assurance Groupe Drouot c.M.Ottiger et al. 542

Notes 543

c.Ste Blue Bay Steamship c.Galerie Schmit 544

C. Germany 545

1. Statutes 545

2. Case 546

a. Firm M.Z.GmbH v.Land Schleswig-Holstein 546

D. Italy 546

1. Statutes 546

2. Cases 547

a. The French State v.Minister for Cultural Property 547

Notes 550

E. Switzerland 550

1. Statutes 550

F. United States 551

1. Statutes 551

U.C.C. 551

California Civil Code 553

11 /Bona Fide Acquisition of Ownership in Intangible Moveable Property 555

A. United Kingdom 555

1. Statutes 555

2. Case: E.Pfeiffer 555

Notes 555

B. France 556

1. Statutes 556

Code Civil 556

Loi Dailly 556

Notes 556

C. Germany 556

1. Statutes 556

D. California 557

1. Statutes 557

2. Notes 557

E. Italy 557

12/Title by Adverse Possession; Effect of Prescription 559

A. United Kingdom 559

1. Statutes: Limitation Act 1980 559

Notes 560

B. France 561

1. Statutes: Civil Code 561

2. Cases 561

a. De Miramon Fitz James c.S.C.P.Daussy-Ricqles 561

Notes 563

b. Mr.Sebastien c.Mrs.Slornovic 564

C. Germany 566

1. Statutes: Civil Code 566

Note 566

D. Italy 566

1. Statutes: Civil Code 566

Note 567

E. United States 567

1. Cases 567

a. DeWeerth v.Baldinger 567

Note 578

b. Autocephalous Greek-Orthodox Church v. Goldberg 579

Note 592

13/Title by Discovery 593

A. Germany 593

1. Ownership of Treasure Trove 593

Case: The Luibeck Coins 593

Table of Cases 601

Table of Statutes 609

Index 617