《Settlement of Investment Disputes Under the Energy Charter Treaty》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Thomas Roe
  • 出 版 社:Cambridge University Press
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9780521899383;0521899389
  • 页数:249 页

1. Introduction: international treaty arbitration and the Energy Charter Treaty 1

1. Investment treaty arbitration: origins and characteristics 1

2. The Energy Charter Treaty: origins and negotiating history 7

3. Main provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty and related instruments 13

4. Institutional aspects of the Energy Charter Treaty and the Energy Charter process 22

2. The applicable law 27

1. Introduction 27

2. Interpreting the Energy Charter Treaty 27

3. The role of national law 37

3. Availability of dispute settlement under Article 26 39

1. Introduction - jurisdiction and admissibility 39

2. Jurisdiction 41

3. Provisional application 67

4. Article 17-denial of advantages 77

5. Misconduct on the part of the Investor 87

4. European Union law and the Energy Charter Treaty 89

1. Introduction 89

2. Investment disputes within the EU 91

3. Investment disputes between member states and Investors of non-member states 98

4. Dispute settlement under Article 26 and the European Union 100

5. Substantive law 104

1. Introduction 104

2. The scope of Part Ⅲ of the ECT: investment promotion versus investment protection 104

6. Procedure 136

1. Introduction 136

2. Amicable settlement 136

3. No requirement of exhaustion of remedies 138

4. The claimant's choice between options under Article 26(2) 142

5. Exceptions to host states' consent 146

6. Factors determining the claimant's choice of international arbitration forum 152

7. Powers of a tribunal constituted pursuant to Article 26 161

7. Contracting Parties' international responsibility for breaches of Part Ⅲ of the ECT 163

1. Introduction 163

2. State responsibility under the ECT 163

3. International responsibility of international organisations under the ECT 171

8. Taxation 186

1. Introduction 186

2. Taxation and most-favoured nation and national treatment (Article 10(2) and (7)) 188

3. Taxation and the prohibition on expropriation (Article 13) 190

4. Transfers related to investments 194

Appendix A: Selected provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty 195

Appendix B: Signatories to the Energy Charter Treaty 225

Bibliography 226

Index 234