Ⅰ. Introduction 1
Ⅱ. Origin and concept of statutory limitations 13
Ⅲ. Domestic legislation 31
Ⅳ. International instruments and documents 87
Ⅴ. Country studies 141
Part A: Crimes committed during World War Ⅱ 141
Part B: Communist crimes 191
Part C: Military Junta crimes 211
Part D: International crimes committed in other periods 233
Ⅵ. Arguments pro and contra statutes of limitation 239
Ⅶ. Imprescriptibility and retroactivity 289
Ⅷ.Customary International Law and general principles of law 311
Ⅸ. Conclusions 345
Bibliography 393
Table of Cases 423
International instruments 433
International documents and reports 435
Index 437