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  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:1607415585
  • 页数:289 页

Chapter 1 The Taxonomic Challenge to General Theories of Delinquency: Linking Taxonomy Development to Delinquency Theory&Tim Brennan and Markus Breitenbach 1

Chapter 2 Juvenile Delinquency and Family Environment Influences&Jean-Pascal Assailly 39

Chapter 3 Juvenile Criminality and Executive Cognitive Functioning in an Italian Sample of Late-Onset Adolescent Delinquents&Maria Rosaria A. Muscatello, Antonio Bruno, Gianluca Pandolfo, Umberto Mico, Vincenzo M. Romeo, Paolo Micali Bellinghieri and Rocco Zoccali 71

Chapter 4 Understanding the Delinquent Activities and Reputational Orientations of Adolescent Loners and Nonloners&Carol Tan, Stephen Houghton and Annemaree Carroll 101

Chapter 5 Delinquency and Antisocial Behaviour among High Risk Young People in Adolescence&Patrick McCrystal and Kareena McAloney 133

Chapter 6 Adolescent Religiosity as a Protective Factor for Delinquency: Review of Evidence and a Conceptual Framework for Future Research&Robert D. Laird, Matthew D. Marrero and Loren D. Marks 157

Chapter 7 Psychopathic-Like-Traits and Aggression in Australian Children and Adolescents Suspended from Schools&Stephen Houghton, Robin Cordin and Sarah Hopkins 177

Chapter 8 Violent Offending: An Analysis of Family, School and Community Risk Factors&Estefania Estevez, Nicholas Emler and Charlotte Wood 197

Chapter 9 Peer Interactions and Delinquency&Lisabeth F. DiLalla, Kristin Bell and Sarah S. Long 213

Chapter 10 The Biosocial Foundations to Antisocial Behavior&Kevin M. Beaver, J. C. Barnes, Brian B. Boutwell and Jonathon A. Cooper 229

Chapter 11 Model and Method for Clinical Evaluation of Narcissistic Identity Vulnerability. Understanding and Preventing Maladjusted Behaviour in Adolescents&Nathalie Bardouil, Anne- Marie Favard and Nicolas Combalbert 243

Chapter 12 Psychosocial Background and Motivations in Homicide with and without Premeditation&Nicolas Combalbert, Helene Bazex, Dorothee Lazorthes and Anne Andronikof 257

Chapter 13 Shyness and Sociability: A Dangerous Combination for Antisocial and Delinquent Behavior?&Louis A. Schmidt 265

Index 269