• 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:HOLDEN-DAY
  • 出版年份:1963
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:232 页

1Biosynthesis and Detection of Estrogens, Ralph I.Dorfman 1

2Biosynthesis and Detection of Androgens, Ralph I. Dorfman 10

3Estimation of “Effective” Steroid Hormone Concentrations,Ralph I. Dorfman 21

4Hirsutism and Polycystic Ovaries, Ralph I. Dorfman 31

5Significance of Excessive Androgen Production by the Polycystic Ovary and its Relationship to Enzymatic Ab-normalities, Virendra B.Mahesh and Robert B.Greenbl 60

6Ovarian Virilizing Syndromes, Manuel Neves e Castro,J.Neves Da Silvd and A.Reis Valle 75

7The Stimulation of Ovulation, Robert B.Greenbl 107

8The Inhibition of Ovulation, Robert B.Greenbl 125

9Functional Uterine Bleeding, Robert B.Greenbl 142

10The Menopause and Its Management, Robert B.Greenbl 159

11Biological Properties of Gonadotropic Hormones, J.A.Loraine,E.T.Bell, and H.Schmidt-Elmendorff 172

12Some Clinical Applications of Assays of Pituitary Gonado-tropins in Human Urine, John A.Loraine 183

13Some Clinical Applications of Urinary Estrogen Assays in Nonpregnant Subjects, John A.Loraine 197

14The Effect of Contraceptive Drugs on Hormone Excretion During the Menstrual Cycle, John A.Loraine 207