Introduction 1
PART 7 International Law-Making and the Sources of International Law 3
13 The consent of states and the sources of the law of nations&P.E.Corberr 5
14 The world constitutive process of authoritative decision&Myrdr S Mcdougal,Harold D.Lasswell AND W.Michael Reisman 14
15 Transnational legal process: the 1994 Roscoe Pound Lecture&Harold Hongju kou 115
16 On the obligation of treaties: a paper presented to the Association for the Reform and Codification of the Law of Nations, at Antwerp, Sept. 1877&Henry Richard 140
17 Custom as a source of international law&Michael Akehurst 149
18 Custom&Eduardo Jimenez de arechaga 207
19 The challenge of soft law: development and change in international law&Christine Chinkin 210
PART 8 International Personality: States 227
20 The criteria for statehood in international law&James Crawford 229
PART 9 International Personality: Real and Other Legal Persons 331
21 The concept of legal personality&Jan Klabbers 333
22 A ‘new' Vienna Convention on treaties between states and international organizations or between international organizations: a critical commentary&Giorgio Gaja 348
PART 10 Territory, sovereignty and self-determination 365
23 Territorial change&R.Y.Jennings 367
24 Sovereignty&W.R.Bisschop 379
25 Sovereignty and inequality&Benedict Kingsbury 387
26 The diffusion of sovereignty: self-determination in the post-colonial age&Gerry J.SIMPSON 415
27 Self-determination in a post-colonial world&Christian Tomuschat 449