• 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9041126228
  • 页数:197 页

Chapter 1: Historical Background 1

Ⅰ.Chicago Conference, 1944 1

Ⅱ.PICAO and Early Developments 3

Ⅲ.Objectives of the Organization 5

Ⅳ.Amendments to the Convention 8

Ⅴ.Other Constitutional Issues 11

Chapter 2: Institutional Framework 13

Ⅰ.Membership 13

1.Acceding to Membership 13

A.Adherence 13

B.Admission 13

C.Signature and Ratification 14

2.Suspension and Termination of Membership 14

3.Special Problems 16

A.Membership Open to Sovereign States Only 16

B.Organization 17

C.Adherence to the Convention as Amended 17

D.UN Sanctions and Membership 18

Ⅱ.Organs 19

1.The Assembly 19

2.The Council and Its Committees 21

3.The Air Navigation Commission 26

4.The Legal Committee 27

5.Air Navigation Conferences and Divisional Meetings 29

6.Panels and Working Groups 30

7.The Secretariat 31

Ⅲ.Competence 32

1.Standard-Setting: Adoption of International Standards and Recommended Practices 33

2.Law-Making: Preparation of International Conventions and Protocols 37

3.Judicial and Quasi-judicial Functions 40

A.Judicial Functions under Chapter ⅩⅧ:Dispute and Default 41

B.Quasi-judicial Functions of the Council 43

4.Airports and Other Air Navigation Facilities (Chapter XV) 44

5.Other Competences 45

Chapter 3: Activities 47

Ⅰ.Constitutional and General Policy Matters 47

1.Constitutional Amendments 47

2.Relations with Contracting States, with International Organizations and with Other Bodies 49

3.General Policy on Special Programmes 52

Ⅱ.Air Navigation 53

1.Overview 53

2.Global Aviation Safety Plan 54

3.Standards and Recommend Practices (SARPS) 55

A.Annex 1:Personnel Licensing 55

B.Annex 2:Rules of the Air 56

C.Annex 3:Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation 56

D.Annex 4:Aeronautical Charts 57

E.Annex 5:Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operations 58

F.Annex 6:Operation of Aircraft 58

G.Annex 7:Aircraft Nationality and Registration 59

H.Annex 8:Airworthiness of Aircraft 60

I.Annex 9:Facilitation 60

J.Annex 10:Aeronautical Telecommunications 61

K.Annex 11:Air Traffic Services 61

L.Annex 12:Search and Rescue 62

M.Annex 13:Aircraft Accident Investigation 63

N.Annex 14:Aerodromes 64

O.Annex 15:Aeronautical Information Services 64

P.Annex 16:Environmental Protection 65

Q.Annex 17:Security 66

R.Annex 18: The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air 66

4.Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) 67

5.Other Activities 68

A.Aeronautical Electromagnetic Spectrum 68

B.Flight Safety and Human Factors 68

C.Runway Safety 69

D.CNS/ATM Implementation 69

E.Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme 69

Ⅲ.Air Transport 69

1.Economic Regulation 70

2.Statistics 71

3.Forecasting and Economic Planning 71

4.Facilitation 72

5.Taxation 73

6.Airports and Air Navigation Services 74

7.Air Carrier Economics 74

8.Air Mail 75

9.Environmental Protection 75

A.Objectives 75

B.Development of SARPS, Procedures and Guidance Material 76

C.‘Balanced Approach’ to Aircraft Noise Management 76

D.Phase-Out of Subsonic Jet Aircraft Which Exceed the Noise Levels in Volume I of Annex 16 77

E.Local Noise-Related Operating Restrictions at Airports 77

F.Land-Use Planning and Management 78

G.Environmental Impact of Civil Aviation on the A tmosphere 78

H.Market-Based Measures Regarding Engine Emissions 79

Ⅳ.Joint Financing 79

Ⅴ.Legal Matters 81

1.General 81

2.Ratification of International Instruments 82

3.Depositary Functions for International Instruments 82

4.Registration of Aeronautical Agreements and Arrangements 82

5.Legal Advice to the Governing Bodies and the Secretary General 83

6.Dispute Settlement 83

7.Work Programme of the Legal Committee 84

Ⅵ.Technical Cooperation 84

1.Overview 84

2.Activities and Services 85

3.Contracting and Financing of Projects 86

Ⅶ.Unlawful Interference/Aviation Security 87

1.Early Developments 87

2.Aviation Security Conventions 87

3.Annex 17 88

Ⅷ.Organization and Personnel 89

Ⅸ.Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme 90

Ⅹ.Universal Aviation Security Audit Programme 92

ⅩⅠ.Other Activities 93

Chapter 4: Finance 95

Ⅰ.Relevant Provisions of the Convention 95

Ⅱ.Apportionment of Membership Contributions 1 97

Ⅲ.The ICAO Financial Regulations 98

1.Regular Programme (RP) 99

A.Budget 99

B.Appropriations 99

C.Provision of Funds 101

D.Establishment and Administration of Funds 102

2.AOSC Fund 102

3.Internal and External Audit 103

Ⅳ.Overview over the ICAO Budget 103

1.Regular Programme 103

2.Technical Cooperation Programme (AOSC) 104

Ⅴ.Special Problems 104

1.Delays in Payment of Current Year Contributions 104

2.Accumulation of Long-Outstanding Arrears 106

Chapter 5:Information and Publications 109

Ⅰ.General 109

Ⅱ.Constitutional Documents; International Conventions 110

Ⅲ.Annexes 110

Ⅳ.Air Navigation 111

Ⅴ.Air Transport 112

Ⅵ.Legal 113

Ⅶ.Other 113

Chapter 6:Network - Relations with Other International Organizations 115

Ⅰ.General 115

Ⅱ.United Nations and UN Specialized Agencies 116

1.United Nations and UN Programmes 116

2.UN Specialized Agencies 117

Ⅲ.Regional Organizations 119

Ⅳ.Non-governmental Organizations 123

Apendix A.Convention on International Civil Aviation 125

Apendix B.List of ICAO Contracting States 165

Apendix C.Secretariat Organigram 167

Apendix D.Strategic Objectives of ICAO 2005-2010 169

Apendix E.ICAO Business Plan 173

Selected List of International Conventions 187

Bibliography 189