General Introduction 1
1.The Extortion Court (quaestio de repetundis): Function and History 1
2.A Note on the Translations 6
On Behalf of Marcus Fonteius 9
Introduction 9
1.The Romans and Transalpine Gaul 9
2.Fonteius’ Career to 74 11
3.Fonteius’ Governorship of Gaul 11
4.The Prosecution 13
5.Cicero’s Defence 14
6.The Outcome 15
7.The Surviving Text 16
Translation 17
Commentary 32
On Behalf of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus 85
Introduction 85
1.Sardinia: From Carthaginian Colony to Roman Province 85
2.The Aemilii Scauri in Roman Society and Politics 86
3.The Roman Plebs and the Grain Supply 91
4.Cicero’s Political Position between the Council of Luca and the Defence of Scaurus 92
5.The Trial of Scaurus 95
a.The Prosecution: Its Motive and Strategy 95
b.The Defence Team 97
c.Cicero’s Speech 98
d.The Outcome 99
6.The Surviving Text 100
Translation 101
Commentary 111
Appendix 1: Chronological Table 167
Appendix 2: The Text 169
Appendix 3: On Behalf of M.Aemilius Scaurus: Comparison of Fragment Numbers 171
Glossary of Political and Ethical Terms 173
Glossary of Rhetorical Terms 179
Maps 181
References 187
Index 201