Ⅰ.Introduction 3
A.Historical Perspectives 3
B.Philosophical Perspectives 21
C.International and Comparative Perspectives 35
D.Social Science Perspectives 47
1.The Legal Approach 48
2.Social Science Methodologies 56
Ⅱ.Children and Crime 67
A.Introduction 67
1.Philosophical Origins 67
2.Social Science Origins 69
3.Legal Origins 73
4.Perspectives on Adolescent Development 75
5.Infancy 80
B.Constitutional Framework 85
C.Procedural Framework 167
1.Initial Contact with Governmental Officials 167
2.Interrogations: The Due Process Framework 215
3.Identification Procedures and Confidentiality: Lineups, Show-ups, Photo Arrays, and Fingerprints 263
a.DNA Testing 269
b.Court Records and Court Proceedings 275
4.Intake and Diversion 281
5.Bail and Preventive Detention 289
6.Trial Rights 305
a.Right to Counsel 305
b.Right to a Jury Trial 328
c.Competence to Stand Trial 333
d.The Insanity Defense 341
D.Dispositional Framework 343
1.Overview 343
2.Traditional Juvenile Dispositions 347
a.Determinate vs.Indeterminate Sentencing 347
b.Dispositional Conditions 348
c.Right to Treatment and Conditions of Confinement 351
d.Special Populations 353
e.Collateral Consequences 355
3.Special Juvenile Dispositions 356
a.Blended Sentences 356
b.Sex-Offender Registration Laws 357
4.Transfer to Criminal Court 363
Ⅲ.Children and Protection 395
A.Historical Origins 395
B.The Medical and Psychological Consequences of Abuse and Neglect 399
C.The Constitutional Framework in Abuse and Neglect Cases 403
D.The Procedural Framework in Abuse and Neglect Cases 455
1.Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect 455
2.Investigating Child Abuse and Neglect 464
3.State Liability for Failing to Act 506
4.Judicial Procedures 519
a.Initial Hearings 519
b.Adjudication of Abuse and Neglect 525
ⅰ.Abuse 534
ⅱ.Corporal Punishment 543
ⅲ.Emotional Abuse 553
ⅳ.Fetal Abuse 555
ⅴ. Sexual Abuse 573
ⅵ.Neglect 575
ⅶ.Failure to Thrive 585
ⅷ.Emotional Neglect 589
ⅸ.Failure to Protect 592
ⅹ.Medical Neglect 605
ⅹⅰ.Educational Neglect 612
ⅹⅱ.Derivative Neglect 622
c.Evidentiary Issues 627
d.Right to Counsel 645
E.Permanency Hearings 657
1.Statutory Framework 657
2.Reasonable Efforts 658
3.Reunification 673
4.Kinship Care 675
5.Foster Care 676
a.The History of Foster Care 677
b.The Current State of Foster Care 682
c.The Foster Child’s Right to a Family 684
d.The Effects of Foster Care 706
6.Special Issues in Placement 707
a.The Indian Child Welfare Act 707
b.LGBTQ Children 728
F.Termination of Parental Rights 731
1.Constitutional Framework 731
2.Statutory Framework 809
3.Procedural Framework 811
4.Dispositional Framework 855
a.Adoption 855
b.Guardianship 883
c.Planned Permanent Living Arrangements 886
Ⅳ. Children and Restraints on Liberty 893
A.Status Offenses 893
1.Constitutional Framework 895
2.Statutory Framework 911
3.Procedural Framework 914
a.Initial Contact with Governmental Officials 914
ⅰ.Age Stops 914
ⅱ.Searches and Seizures 915
b.Interrogations 920
c.Identification Procedures 921
d.Intake, Detention, and Deinstitutionalization 921
e.Trial Rights 930
ⅰ.Right to Counsel 930
ⅱ.Self-Incrimination, Confrontation, Cross-Examination, and the Burden of Proof 943
4.Dispositional Framework 945
B.Additional Restrictions on Liberty 951
1.Alcohol and Tobacco Regulations 951
2.Firearms Regulations 955
3.Child-Labor Laws 956
4.Other Restrictions 958
Ⅴ. Children and Decision Making 961
A.The First Amendment Rights of Children 961
1.Free-Speech and Free-Expression Rights 961
2.Free-Exercise Rights 1002
3.The Establishment Clause 1008
B.Medical Decision Making 1045
1.Constitutional Framework 1045
2.The Mature-Minor Doctrine 1097
C.School Discipline 1107
1.Constitutional Framework 1107
2.Procedural Framework 1150
D.Emancipation 1155
Table of Cases 1159
Index 1173