• 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:T.M.C.ASSER PRESS
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9067042994
  • 页数:261 页

Chapter 1 Introduction - The Notion of Progress in International Law Discourse 1

1.1 Progress and International Law Debates 1

1.2 The Problem: Progress as a Notion that ‘Speaks Itself’ 15

1.3 Critique and Theses: Progress as the Product of Narratives 22

1.4 Approach, Method, Outline 30

1.4.1 Approach 30

1.4.2 Method 31

1.4.3 Outline 35

Chapter 2 International Law as Progress - Stelios Seferiades and Interwar International Law 39

2.1 Introduction 39

2.2 The Narrative of Absolutism v. Democracy 45

2.3 The Function of the Vocabulary of Progress 58

2.4 A Vocabulary Situated 64

2.5 Bourgeois Modernization and International Law 73

2.6 How to Explain Away Sovereign (In)Equality 77

2.7 The International Lawyer as Organic Intellectual 86

2.8 Conclusions 91

Chapter 3 Progress within International Law - The Doctrine of the Sources as Progress 93

3.1 Introduction 93

3.2 Interwar Discourse on the Sources of International Law and the Quest for Reconstruction 98

3.3 Tropes of Reconstruction 103

3.4 Article 38 as Progress 121

3.5 The Vocabulary of Progress of the Sources 126

3.6 Digression: Sources in Contemporary Textbooks 138

3.7 An (Un)Stable Vocabulary 150

3.8 Conclusion 155

Chapter 4 International Law as Progress/Progress within International Law - The New Tribunalism 159

4.1 Introduction 159

4.2 The New Tribunalism 164

4.2.1 Tribunals and pre-1980s international law 164

4.2.2 Facts and trends of proliferation 170

4.2.3 The new form of engagement 173

4.3 Two Vocabularies of Progress 180

4.3.1 The ‘lawyer-as-architect’ 180

4.3.2 The ‘lawyer-as-social-engineer’ 197

4.4 (Un)Stable Vocabularies 206

4.4.1 Necessity 206

4.4.2 Unity 209

4.4.3 Progress 211

4.5 Conclusion 215

Chapter 5 In Closing 217

5.1 Findings 217

5.2 Progress as the Product of Narratives 219

5.3 Progress Narratives as Politics 222

5.4 Discourse Analysis as Action 227

Bibliography 231

Index 259