《Law and reflexive politics》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Christodoulidis;Emilios A.
  • 出 版 社:Kluwer Academic
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:0792349547
  • 页数:310 页

PART Ⅰ Republican Constitutionalism 3

Chapter 1.Citizenship,Passive and Active 3

Chapter 2.Republicanism and its Legacy 10

Chapter 3.Habermas on the 'Interpenetration' of Law and Politics 19

Chapter 4.American Civic Republicanism 31

Ackerman and the 'Discovery' of Constitutional Politics 31

Sunstein and Michelman:'Empathy' in 'Law's Republic' 36

Deliberation,Distance and Empathy 37

Institutional Deliberative Politics 42

Sunstein's Institutional suggestion 43

Michelman's Institutional suggestion 45

The Critique of Elitism and the Retreat from the Institutional Dialogue 48

Chapter 5.Dworkin and the Law as Forum of Principle 52

The Interpretive Thesis 53

Integrity:The Right Answer 55

Integrity,Coherence,Narrative 57

Dworkin Republican 59

Chapter 6.The Containment Thesis 61

PART Ⅱ Political Conflict Under Legal Categories:A systems-theoretical critique of Republican Constitutionalism 73

EXCURSUS:Luhmann's Systems Theory:An Introduction 73

Operations 74

System and Meaning 78

Observation 81

Observation:system-centric and system-specific 81

The Reduction of Complexity 83

Society and Sub-systems 84

Guiding Distinctions 88

Chapter 7.Law,Society and Conflict 96

The Juridification of Conflict 97

Chapter 8.Law and the Double Contingency of Conflict 102

Thesis [1] against Republicanism 112

Chapter 9.Legal Expectations 116

The Function of Law 117

The Generalisation of Expectations as Legal 120

The Temporal dimension 121

The Social Dimension 122

The Material Dimension 124

Chapter 10.The Relationship of Conflict and Law 129

Chapter 11.Conflicts Conflated 136

Thesis [2] against Republicanism 137

Thesis [3] against Republicanism 141

Thesis [4] against Republicanism 145

Chapter 12.Conflict Re-enacted 149

Thesis [5] against Republicanism 157

Thesis [6] against Republicanism 163

Incitement to subvert 168

Contempt of Court 173

Chapter 13.Conflict Severed 187

The Material Dimension 187

Thesis [7] against Republicanism 188

The Social Dimension 192

Touraine and Melucci:Identity and Constitutive Conflict 193

Simmel and Coser:Identity and 'Phenomenal 'Conflict 197

Thesis [8] against Republicanism 200

Thesis [9] against Republicanism 206

Thesis [10] against Republicanism 209

Chapter 14.Conflict Normalised 211

Thesis [11] against Republicanism 220

PART Ⅲ Reflexive Politics 227

Chapter 15.The Exclusionary and the Reflexive 227

Chapter 16.Theories of Political Reflexivity 234

Cover:Reflexivity and Anarchy 235

Lyotard:Reflexivity as the threat of the Differend 237

Unger:Reflexivity as Negative Capability 242

Chapter 17.Luhmann on Political Reflexivity 248

Chapter 18.On Love,Marriage,Law and Politics 256

The Facilitative Side of Marriage 257

The Incompatibilities of Love and Marriage 259

Exclusionary Reasons and the Community of Marriage 265

Back to Politics 269

Chapter 19.Contingency as Eigen-value of Politics 273

Chapter 20.Politics 'As Passion' 283

Conclusion 287

Bibliography 289

Index 305