• 购买积分:24 如何计算积分?
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9041131663
  • 页数:904 页

Part Ⅰ The Foundations 1

Chapter 1 An Introduction to Sustainable Development in World Investment Law&Markus Gehring & Andrew Newcombe 3

Chapter 2 International Investment Law and Development &Anna Joubin-Bret, Marie-Estelle Rey and Jorg Weber 13

Preface by James Zhan 13

Chapter 3 International Investment Law and the Environment &Asa Romson 33

Preface by Ole Kristian Fauchald 33

Chapter 4 International Investment Law and Human Rights &Jorge Daniel Taillant & Jonathan Bonnitcha 53

Preface by Ashfaq Khalfan 53

Chapter 5 The Theory of Norm Conflict Solutions in International Investment Law &Jorg Kammerhofer 81

Preface by Martti Koskenniemi 81

Chapter 6 An Integrated Agenda for Sustainable Development in International Investment Law &Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger & Andrew Newcombe 99

Preface by Vaughan Lowe, QC 99

Part Ⅱ Sustainable Development in International Investment Law 143

Section 1 Procedural Innovations for Sustainable Development in International Investment Law 143

Chapter 7 Impact Assessments of Investment Treaties &Markus W. Gehring 145

Preface by Karl P. Sauvant 145

Chapter 8 Bringing Sustainable Development Issues before Investment Treaty Tribunals &Chester Brown 171

Preface by Campbell McLachlan, QC 171

Chapter 9 Transparency and Amicus Curiae in ICSID Arbitrations &Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder 189

Preface by Antonio R. Parra 189

Section 2 Emerging Elements of International Investment Law That Affect Sustainable Development 209

Chapter 10 Development Considerations in De finingInvestment &Marek Jezewski 211

Preface by Andres Rigo Sureda 211

Chapter 11 ‘Fair and Equitable Treatment’ and Sustainable Development &Roland Klager 237

Preface by Francisco Orrego-Vicuna 237

Chapter 12 Sustainable Development, National Treatment and Like Circumstances in Investment Law &Kate Miles 261

Preface by Armand de Mestral 261

Chapter 13 Regulatory Expropriation and Sustainable Development &Martins Paparinskis 295

Preface by Jan Paulsson 295

Chapter 14 Are Stabilization Clauses a Threat to Sustainable Development? &Audley Sheppard & Antony Crockett 329

Preface by Kamal Hossain 329

Chapter 15 General Exceptions in International Investment Agreements &Andrew Newcombe 351

Preface by Peter Muchlinski 351

Chapter 16 The Necessity of Sustainable Development? &Andrea K. Bjorklund 371

Preface by Christoph Schreuer 371

Section 3 Sustainable Development Implications of Bilateral and Regional Investment Treaties 403

Chapter 17 Investment and Water Resources: Limits to NAFTA &Celine Levesque 405

Preface by Meg Kinnear 405

Chapter 18 Liberalizing Investment in the CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement: EU Priorities, Regional Agendas and Developmental Hegemony &Paul James Cardwell & Duncan French 429

Preface by Nico Schrijver 429

Chapter 19 The Asymmetrical Legazation of Investment Regimes in Africa: Lessons from Water Privatization &Emma Saunders-Hastings 453

Preface by Don McRae 453

Chapter 20 Globalization and Inclusive Governance in China and India: Foreign Investment, Land Rights and Legal Empowerment of the Poor &Kishan Khoday & Jonathan Bonnitcha 481

Preface by M. Sornarajah 481

Chapter 21 The Energy Charter Treaty’s Investor Protection Provisions:Potential to Foster Solutions to Global Warming and Promote Sustainable Development &Edna Sussman 513

Preface by Graham Coop 513

Part Ⅲ Future Directions 533

Section 1 New Proposals for More Sustainable Investment Law 533

Chapter 22 Sustainable International Investment Agreements: Challenges and Solutions for Developing Countries &Graham Mayeda 535

Preface by Susan Rose-Ackerman 535

Chapter 23 The IISD Model International Agreement on Investmentfor Sustainable Development &Mahnaz Malik 561

Preface by David Runnalls 561

Chapter 24 Corporate Social Responsibility and Investment Treaties Jarrod Hepburn & Vuyelwa Kuuya 585

Preface by Christopher McCrudden 585

Chapter 25 The Institutionalization of Investment Arbitration and Sustainable Development &Jan Wouters & Nicolas Hachez 611

Preface by Gavan Grif§ith, QC 611

Section 2 Investment Provisions in Other Sustainable Development Treaty Regimes 641

Chapter 26 Governing Investment in Sustainable Development: InvestmentMechanisms in Sustainable Development Treaties and Voluntary Instruments &Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger & Duncan French 643

Preface by Christopher Greenwood, CMG, QC 643

Chapter 27 The Kyoto Protocol in Investor-State Arbitration: Reconciling Climate Change and Investment Protection Objectives &Freya Baetens 681

Preface by James Crawford 681

Chapter 28 Investment Promotion and Protection in the UNCBD: An Emerging Access and Benefit Sharing Regime &Olivier Rukundo & Jorge Cabrera 717

Preface by Charles Gbedemah 717

Chapter 29 Two Rivers Meet: At the Confluence of Cross-Border Water Law and Foreign Investment Law &Paul Stanton Kibel & Jon Schutz 745

Preface by Hans Christian Bugge 745

Part Ⅳ Conclusion 769

Chapter30 Promoting Sustainable Investment through International Law &Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger & Avidan Kent 771

Table of Treaties 793

Table of Cases 799

Table of Other International Instruments 811

About the CISDL 815

Bibliography 817

Index 859