Introduction: Law, politics and the political&MATTHEW STONE, ILLAN RUA WALL, COSTAS DOUZINAS 1
PART Ⅰ Resistance, dissensus and the subject 9
1 Human rights: confronting governments? Michel Foucault and the right to intervene&JESSICA WHYTE 11
2 Stasis Syntagma: the names and types of resistance&COSTAS DOUZINAS 32
3 A different constituent power: Agamben and Tunisia&ILLAN RUA WALL 46
4 Para-protest: reading a parody of police gesture as political protest with Giorgio Agamben&CONNAL PARSLEY 67
PART Ⅱ The state, violence and biopolitics 89
5 The distribution of death: notes towards a bio-political theory of criminal law&BEN GOLDER 91
6 Disassembling legal form: ownership and the racial body&BRENNABHANDAR 112
7 Being, nothing, becoming: Hegel and the legal order&TARIK KOCHI 128
8 Faith and resignation: a journey through international law&JASON A.BECKETT 145
9 Economy or law?&VINCENT KETER 167
PART Ⅲ Futures of critical legal thinking 179
10 Before the law, encounters at the borderline&ELENA LOIZIDOU 181
11 Life beyond law: questioning a return to origins&MATTHEW STONE 198
12 Notes for a novella of the future&OSCAR GUARDIOLA-RIVERA 212
13 Towards a radical cosmopolitanism&GILBERT LEUNG 229
Bibliography 241
Index 256