Part Ⅰ. Symposium: Abortion Law and Public Policy 3
1. Introduction,&by Susan Rust Bulfinch 3
2. Austria,&by Erhard Mock 19
3. Federal Republic of Germany,&by Michael Quaas 41
4. United States,&by Charles D. Kelso and R. Randall Kelso 61
5. Italy,&by Giovanni Bognetti 83
Part Ⅱ. Significant Developments in Private International Law 97
1. Commercial Law 97
Arbitration 97
Banking 102
Multilateral Trade Negotiations 104
Transportation 108
Admiralty 111
Contracts 116
Taxation 122
2. In tellectual Property R ights 130
Patents 130
Copyrights 135
3. Antitrust 141
United States 141
European Commission 143
4. Procedure 144
Jurisdiction and the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act 144
Sovereign Immunity Generally 153
Act of State Doctrine 154
Remedies 158
5. Domestic Relations 163
General Reform 163
Divorce/Dissolution 164
Conflict of Laws 164
Community Property and Spousal Support 166
Matrimonial Home 167
Child Custody 168
Non-Marital Living Relationships 171
6. Treatment of Aliens 171
Asylum 171
Corporate Nationality 174
Notes to Part Two 176