• 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:ROUTLEDGE
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:0415450020
  • 页数:308 页


General introduction 1

PART 1 The start of a new debate 17

1 Conflicts as property&NILS CHRISTIE 19

2 Restitution: a new paradigm of criminal justice&RANDY E. BARNETT 34

3 Fundamental concepts of restorative justice&HOWARD ZEHR AND HARRY MIKA 57

4 Some doubts about restorative justice&ANDREW ASHWORTH 65

5 A reply to Andrew Ashworth&DANIEL W. VAN NESS 81

6 Some sociological reflections on restorative justice&ANTHONY BOTTOMS 86

PART 2 Proto-restorative practices 123

7 The Kitchener experiment&DEAN E. PEACHEY 125

8 The recent history of restorative justice: mediation, circles,and conferencing&PAUL MCCOLD 136

9 The evolution of restorative justice in Britain&TONY F. MARSHALL 176

PART 3 Restorative justice: from philosophy to practice 197

10 Conditions of successful reintegration ceremonies: dealing with juvenile offenders&JOHN BRAITHWAITE AND STEPHEN MUGFORD 199

11 Specifying aims and limits for restorative justice: a 'making amends' model?&ANDREW VON HIRSCH, ANDREW ASHWORTH AND CLIFFORD SHEARING 238

12 The international development of restorative justice&DAVID MIERS 259

13 Restorative justice: the real story&KATHLEEN DALY 281


PART 4 Restorative responses with the criminal justice system 1

14 Staging restorative justice encounters against a criminal justice backdrop: a dramaturgical analysis&JAMES DIGNAN, ANNE ATKINSON, HELEN ATKINSON, MARIE HOWES,JENNIFER JOHNSTONE, GWEN ROBINSON, JOANNA SHAPLAND AND ANGELA SORSBY 3

15 Policing and restorative justice&CAROLYN HOYLE 28

16 Security, without care: challenges for restorative values in prison&LIZ ELLIOTT 48

17 Restorative sentencing: exploring the views of the public&JULIAN V. ROBERTS AND LORETTA J. STALANS 66

PART 5 Restorative youth justice 87

18 Reparation and justice for juveniles: the Corby experience&HARRY BLAGG 89

19 Situating restorative youth justice in crime control and prevention&ADAM CRAWFORD 103

20 Youth justice in New Zealand: restorative justice in practice?&GABRIELLE MAXWELL AND ALLISON MORRIS 122

PART 6 New challenges for restorative justice: family violence 141

21 Restorative justice and gendered violence: diversion or effective justice?&BARBARA HUDSON 143

22 Beyond apology? Domestic violence and critical questions for restorative justice&JULIE STUBBS 165

23 Transformative justice: anti-subordination processes in cases of domestic violence&DONNA COKER 184

PART 7 New challenges for restorative justice: sexual violence 211

24 Restorative justice and sexual assault: an archival study of court and conference cases&KATHLEEN DALY 213

25 Restorative justice and child sex offences: the theory and the practice&ANNIE COSSINS 240

26 Setting the record straight and a call for radical change:a reply to Annie Cossins on 'Restorative Justice and Child Sex Offences'&KATHLEEN DALY 263

PART 8 New challenges for restorative justice: homicide 275

27 Homicide survivors meet the offender prior to execution:restorative justice through dialogue&MARK S. UMBREIT AND BETTY VOS 277

28 Comment on Umbreit and Vos: retributive versus restorative justice&MICHAEL L. RADELET AND MARIAN J. BORG 297

29 Reply to Radelet and Borg&MARK S. UMBREIT 301

PART 9 New challenges for restorative justice: crimes against humanity 305

30 How to deal with mass victimization and gross human rights violations: a restorative justice approach&ELMAR G. M. WEITEKAMP, STEPHAN PARMENTIER, KRIS VANSPAUWEN, MARTA VALI?AS AND ROEL GERITS 307

31 Moral ambition within and beyond political constraints:reflections on restorative justice&ELIZABETH KISS 335

32 Rwanda's failing experiment in restorative justice&LARS WALDORF 364

33 The rules (and politics) of engagement: the gacaca courts and post-genocide justice, healing and reconciliation in Rwanda&PHIL CLARK 382


PART 10 Restoring victims 3

34 Evaluating restorative justice from a victim perspective:empirical evidence&JAMES DIGNAN 3

35 Repairing the harm: victims and restorative justice&HEATHER STRANG AND LAWRENCE W. SHERMAN 36

36 Restorative justice, victims and the police&CAROLYN HOYLE 62

37 Testing the limits of restorative justice: the case of corporate victims&RICHARD YOUNG 93

PART 11 Rebuilding communities 135

38 The state, community and restorative justice: heresy, nostalgia and butterfly collecting&ADAM CRAWFORD 137

39 Punishment, policing and praxis: restorative justice and non-violent alternatives to paramilitary punishments in Northern Ireland&KIERAN MCEVOY AND HARRY MIKA 166

40 Restorative justice and the danger of "community"&ROBERT WEISBERG 185

PART 12 Diversion, rehabilitation and desistance 215

41 Restorative justice and procedural justice: dealing with rule breaking&TOM R. TYLER 217

42 What is the place of punishment and imprisonment in restorative justice?&RUSS IMMARIGEON 238

43 Reducing repeat offending&LAWRENCE W. SHERMAN AND HEATHER STRANG 247

44 Restorative justice and reconviction&GABRIELLE MAXWELL AND ALLISON MORRIS 259

45 Reducing recidivism: a task for restorative justice?&GWEN ROBINSON AND JOANNA SHAPLAND 276

46 How green was Thames Valley? Policing the image of restorative justice cautions&AIDAN WILCOX AND RICHARD YOUNG 301

PART 13 Responsive regulation: restorative justice outside of criminal justice 325

47 Responsive regulation&JOHN BRAITHWAITE 327

48 Dimensions of restorative justice&DECLAN ROCHE 343

49 Family group conferencing in child welfare: responsive and regulatory interfaces&JOAN PENNELL 365

50 Shaming, shame and recidivism: a test of reintegrative shaming theory in the white-collar crime context&KRISHNA MURPHY AND NATHAN HARRIS 379

51 Shaming and the regulation of fraud and business "misconduct":some preliminary explorations&MICHAEL LEVI 400

52 Restorative justice in schools&BRENDA MORRISON 416

53 A force for change? The prospects of applying restorative justice to citizen complaints against the police in England and Wales&EUGENE MCLAUGHLIN AND ANJA JOHANSEN 440

54 Informal resolution of complaints against the police: a quasi-experimental test of restorative justice&RICHARD YOUNG, CAROLYN HOYLE, KAREN COOPER AND RODERICK HILL 463


PART 14 Procedural fairness, ethics and accountability 1

55 In search of restorative jurisprudence&JOHN BRAITHWAITE 3

56 Responsibilities, rights and restorative justice&ANDREW ASHWORTH 20

57 Restorative justice for children: in need of procedural safeguards and standards&CHRISTIAN ELIAERTS AND ELS DUMORTIER 41

58 Family group conferences and the rights of the offender&KATE WARNER 58

59 Ethics, universal principles and restorative justice&GEORGE PAVLICH 69

60 Semi-formal justice: combining informal and formal justice&DECLAN ROCHE 86

PART 15 Indigenous justice 99

61 Restorative justice: a good idea whose time has gone?&HARRY BLAGG 101

62 Reviving restorative justice traditions?&CHRIS CUNNEEN 119

PART 16 The role of shame in restorative processes 139

63 Shame, restorative justice, and crime&JOHN BRAITHWAITE, ELIZA AHMED AND VALERIE BRAITHWAITE 141

64 Strategy for community conferences: emotions and social bonds&SUZANNE M. RETZINGER AND THOMAS J. SCHEFF 162

65 Reintegrative shaming and restorative justice: interchangeable,complementary or different?&LODE WALGRAVE AND IVO AERTSEN 179

66 Shame, shaming and restorative justice: a critical appraisal&NATHAN HARRIS AND SHADD MARUNA 196

67 What is the place of shame in restorative justice?&GABRIELLE MAXWELL AND ALLISON MORRIS 210

PART 17 When parents feel ashamed 219

68 Parent-child dynamics in community conferences: some questions for reintegrative shaming, practice and restorative justice&JEREMY PRICHARD 221

69 Relevant others in restorative practices for minors: for what purposes?&LIEVE BRADT, NICOLE VETTENBURG AND RUDI ROOSE 239

70 Supporting young offenders through restorative justice: parents as (in)appropriate adults&CAROLYN HOYLE AND STEPHEN NOGUERA 263

PART 18 A place for proportionality? 283

71 Not not just deserts: a response to Braithwaite and Pettit&ANDREW VON HIRSCH AND ANDREW ASHWORTH 285

72 Not just deserts, even in sentencing&PHILIP PETTIT WITH JOHN BRAITHWAITE 301

73 Is restorative justice compatible with sentencing uniformity?&MICHAEL M. O'HEAR 318

74 Restorative justice, sentencing and the Court of Appeal&IAN EDWARDS 337

PART 19 Restoration, retribution or 'restoration through retribution'? 353

75 Reparation and retribution: are they reconcilable?&LUCIA ZEDNER 355

76 Revisiting the relationship between retributive and restorative justice&KATHLEEN DALY 382

77 Restorative justice and punishment&RICHARD YOUNG AND CAROLYN HOYLE 401

78 Restorative punishment and punitive restoration&R. A. DUFF 431

PART 20 Some concerns from an optimist 449

79 Worries about restorative justice&JOHN BRAITHWAITE 451

Index 489