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  • 出 版 社:ROUTLEDGE
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:242 页

1 Television regulation and the 'cultural policy toolkit':the analytical framework 1

Globalisation, new technologies, deregulation and the'cultural policy toolkit' 1

Deregulatory competition: three hypotheses 4

Choice of case studies 8

Our comparative approach: congruence between political systems and media systems and the danger of typologies 12

Convergence? Or historical institutional path dependencies? 15

2 The USA: archetype and motor of deregulation 18

The US production industry 18

Regulatory context 20

Independent TV production 24

Public broadcasting 25

Media ownership rules 26

External policy: the USA as a motor of deregulation 32

3 Canada: complex responses to a dominant neighbour 34

The three ages of Canadian television 35

Broadcasting and regulatory policy 36

Public service broadcasting 40

Canadian content quotas and expenditure requirements 43

Media ownership rules 50

External policy: mobilising international support for culture 55

Conclusion 58

4 France: meeting the Anglo-Saxon challenge 61

The three ages of French television 61

Public service broadcasting 66

Adaptation of PSB to new media and the Sarkozy reform 70

Is French PSB distorting the market? 74

Quotas and subsidies 75

Media ownership rules 79

External policy 82

Conclusion 85

5 The United Kingdom: the paradox of public service,plurality and the market 87

The three ages of UK television 87

Public service broadcasting 90

Quotas and subsidies 102

Media ownership rules 103

External policy 107

Conclusion 108

6 Germany: public service in a dual broadcasting system 111

The three ages of German television 111

Public service broadcasting 115

Adaptation of PSB to new media 118

Is German PSB distorting the market? 121

Quotas and subsidies 125

Media ownership rules 127

External audiovisual policy 129

Conclusion 129

7 The European Union: agent of deregulation or reregulation? 131

Analytical framework 133

Policy-making in the European Union's fragmented, multi-level system of governance 135

Negative integration: the Television Without Frontiers Directive (TWFD) 137

Modest positive integration: E U quotas and subsidies 140

The revision of the TWFD: the 2007 Audiovisual Media Services Directive (A VMSD) 146

International trade and cultural diversity: the EU shield 148

Failed positive integration: EU media ownership regulation 151

EU stateaidpolicy 154

The impact of convergence on PSB 161

Conclusion 162

8 The problems of small countries 164

The literature on small countries in Europe 164

Small country problems in the European single market 167

Country of origin principle in the EU 170

PSB in small countries in Europe 174

PSB in small countries and the E U state aid rules 187

Conclusion 189

9 Conclusion 191

Appendix 198

Bibliography 205

Index 229