Non-Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Reporting of Earnings Releases&Steven J.Abrams 1
Corporate Governance Regulation in South Africa&Jorge Araujo 13
Corporate Governance and Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals&Jeffrey C.Carhart 39
Corporate Governance in a Cross-Border Environment:Overseas Listings of Chinese Firms&Alice de Jonge 81
Corporate Governance in Belgium&Steven De Schrijver 105
Corporate Governance in Asia&Suet-Fern Lee and Shawn Desker 125
Corporate Governance in Switzerland&Urs P. Gnos 141
New Guidelines for Corporate Governancein Germany&Alexander Jehn 177
Director Risk after Sarbanes-Oxley&Fredric J. Klink 197
Statutory Understanding of Corporate Governance in Korea&Jae Yeol Kwon 213
Corporate Governance in Banking,Securities and Insurance in Switzerland&Kaspar Landolt and Christoph Vaucher 239
Corporate Governance in Turkey&Serdar Paksoy and Elvan Aziz 261
United States Corporate Governance:Implications for Foreign Issuers&Clyde E. Rankin,Ⅲ 283
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the Non-United States Issuer&Dawn S. Richter 293
Control and Liability Questions for Close Private Companies&Scott R. Rost 391
New Rules for Corporate Governance and Reporting&Jacqueline B. Stuart and Andrew Kamensky 341
Corporate Governance in Brazil&Luciano Carvalho Ventura 357
Index 367