• 购买积分:18 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:WALTER CHEN
  • 出 版 社:LEXISNEXIS
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9789888016792
  • 页数:606 页

Part Ⅰ Introduction 6

Part Ⅱ Context for Considering Cross-Border Mergers&Acquisitions in China 6

Chapter 1 Overview of Foreign Direct Investment in China 6

Chapter 2 Status Quo of M&A in China 9

Part Ⅲ An Overview of Legal and Regulatory Framework 17

Chapter 1 The First Pillar: Generic Laws on M&A 17

Chapter 2 The Second Pillar: Specific Laws and Regulations on Foreign Invested Enterprises (FIEs) Affecting M&A 24

Chapter 3 The Third Pillar: Provisions of Central and Local Governmental Agencies Inclusive of M&A 28

Chapter 4 The Fourth Pillar:Provisions on Legal Remedies in Relation to Mergers&Acquisitions 51

Chapter 5 Practical Legal Issues Relevant to Foreign Investors'M&A of China's Domestic Enterprises 57

Part Ⅳ Forms Applicable to Foreign Investors 71

Chapter 1 Forms of FIEs 71

Chapter 2 Formalities of Setting up FIEs 95

Chapter 3 Sample Documents for Incorporating a WFOE 107

PART Ⅴ The Primary Types of Cross-Border Mergers&Acquisitions in China 150

Chapter 1 The Types of M&A 150

Chapter 2 Application of Laws and Government Approval 155

Chapter 3 Special Types of M&A 203

Chapter 4 Comparisons of Various Types of M&A 242

Part Ⅵ Mergers&Acquisitions Process 249

Chapter 1 Identify&Screen Target 249

Chapter 2 Conduct Due Diligence 253

Chapter 3 Structure the Transaction 264

Chapter 4 Prepare the Transaction Documents, Negotiate the Deal&Sign the Transaction Documents 266

Chapter 5 Obtain Consents and Approvals 268

Chapter 6 File and Register the Deal 273

Part Ⅶ Practical Issues Involved in Cross-Border Mergers&Acquisitions 280

Chapter 1 Foreign Exchange Control Issues Relating to M&A 280

Chapter 2 Taxation Issues 301

Chapter 3 Intellectual Property Rights Issues in Mergers&Acquisitions 319

Chapter 4 Employment Issues in Foreign Acquisition 338

Chapter 5 Anti-Monopoly Review 353

Part Ⅷ Sample Documents and Commentaries 361

Chapter 1 Confidentiality Agreement 361

Chapter 2 Letter of Intent 368

Chapter 3 Due Diligence 372

Chapter 4 Memorandum of Agreement 382

Chapter 5 Equity Acquisition Agreement 390

Chapter 6 Asset Acquisition Agreement 407

Part Ⅸ The Regulatory Lineup for Mergers&Acquisitions 426

Part Ⅹ Translation of the Most Important Laws and Regulations on M&A 426

Rules on Mergers&Acquisitions by Foreign Investors of omestic Enterprises 426

Anti-monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China 448

Provisions for the Alteration of Investors' Equities in Foreign-invested enterprises 462

Provisions on the Merger and Division of Enterprises with Foreign Investment 470

Interim Measures for Administering the Transfer of the State-Owned Property Right of Enterprises 483

Measures for Strategic Investment by Foreign Investors upon Listed Companies 495

Measures for the Administration of the Takeover of Listed Companies 505

Circular on Issues Related to Improving the Administration of Enterprises with Foreign Investment in Terms of Examination and Approval, Registration, Foreign Exchange and Taxation 541

Implementation Opinions on Some Issues Concerning the Application of Law Governing the Examination, Approval and Registration of Foreign-invested Companies 545

Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Several Issues on Corporate Income Tax Treatment of Corporate Restructuring Transaction 557

Guidance Catalogue of Industries with Foreign Investment (Amended in 2007) 566