1.Introduction: Justice, Legitimacy and Diversity&Emanuela Ceva and Enzo Rossi 1
2.Justification, choice and promise: three devices of the consent tradition in a diverse society&Gerald Gaus 9
3.Political legitimacy, justice and consent&John Horton 29
4.Justice, legitimacy and (normative) authority for political realists&Enzo Rossi 49
5.Just politics&Glen Newey 65
6.Beyond legitimacy.Can proceduralism say anything relevant about justice?&Emanuela Ceva 83
7.Equal respect, equal competence and democratic legitimacy&Valeria Ottonelli 101
8.Democratic legitimacy, legal expressivism, and religious establishment&Simon Cabulea May 119
9.Global justification and local legitimation&Sebastiano Maffettone 139
Index 159