• 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7040191091
  • 页数:720 页

1Overview of Programming and Problem Solving 1

1.1 Overview of Programming 2

How Do We Write a Program? 2

1.2 What is a Programming Language? 6

1.3 What is a Computer? 11

1.4 Problem-Solving Techniques 14

Ask Questions 15

Look For Things That Are Familiar 15

Solve by Analogy 15

Means-Ends Analysis 16

Divide and Conquer 17

The Building-Block Approach 18

Merging Solutions 18

Mental Blocks: The Fear of Starting 19

Algorithmic Problem Solving 19

Summary 20

Quick Check 21

Exam Preparation Exercises 21

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 23

2C++ Syntax and Semantics, and the Program Development Process 25

2.1 The Elements of C++ Programs 26

Syntax and Semantics 28

Syntax Templates 30

Naming Program Elements: Identiers 32

Data and Data Types 33

Data Storage 34

The char Data Type 34

The string Data Type 34

Naming Elements: Declarations 35

Taking Action: Executable Statements 40

Beyond Minimalism: Adding Comments to a Program 44

2.2 Program Construction 45

Blocks (Compound Statements) 47

The C++ Preprocessor 49

An Introduction to Namespaces 50

2.3 More About Output 52

Creating Blank Lines 52

Inserting Blanks Within a Line 53

Programming Example 54

Testing and Debugging 59

Summary 60

Quick Check 60

Exam Preparation Exercises 62

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 64

Programming Problems 66

Programming Example Follow-Up 67

3Numeric Types, Expressions, and Output 70

Integral Types 70

Floating-Point Types 71

3.2 Declarations for Numeric Types 71

Named Constant Declarations 72

Variable Declarations 73

3.3 Simple Arithmetic Expressions 73

Arithmetic Operators 73

Increment and Decrement Operators 76

3.4 Compound Arithmetic Expressions 77

Precedence Rules 77

Type Coercion and Type Casting 79

3.5 Function Calls and Library Functions 82

Value-Returning Functions 82

Library Functions 84

Void Functions 85

3.6 Formatting the Output 86

3.7 Additional string Operations 92

The length and size Functions 92

The find Function 94

The substr Function 95

Programming Example 97

Testing and Debugging 100

Summary 100

Quick Check 101

Exam Preparation Exercises 102

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 104

Programming Problems 105

Programming Example Follow-Up 107

4Program Input and the Software Design Process 109

4.1 Getting Data into Programs 110

Input Streams and the Extraction Operator (>>) 110

The Reading Marker and the Newline Character 113

Reading Character Data with the get Function 114

Skipping Characters with the ignore Function 116

Reading String Data 117

4.2 Interactive Input/Output 118

4.3 Noninteractive Input/Output 120

4.4 File Input and Output 121

Files 121

Using Files 122

An Example Program Using Files 125

Run-Time Input of File Names 127

4.5 Input Failure 128

4.6 Software Design Methodologies 130

4.7 What Are Objects 131

4.8 Object-Oriented Design 132

4.9 Functional Decomposition 133

Modules 135

Programming Example 137

Testing and Debugging 141

Testing and Debugging Hints 142

Summary 143

Quick Check 144

Exam Preparation Exercises 144

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 147

Programming Problems 149

Programming Example Follow-Up 151

5Conditions, Logical Expressions, and Selection Control Structures 153

5.1 Flow of Control 154

Selection 155

5.2 Conditions and Logical Expressions 155

The bool Data Type 156

Logical Expressions 156

Precedence of Operators 163

Relational Operators with Floating-Point Types 164

5.3 The If Statement 165

The If-Then-Else Statement 165

Blocks (Compound Statements) 168

The If-Then Statement 169

A Common Mistake 170

5.4 Nested If Statements 171

The Dangling else 174

5.5 Testing the State of an I/O System 175

Programming Example 177

Testing and Debugging 182

Testing in the Problem-Solving Phase: The Algorithm Walk-Through 182

Testing in the Implementation Phase 185

Tests Performed Automatically During Compilation and Execution 189

Testing and Debugging Hints 189

Summary 191

Quick Check 191

Exam Preparation Exercises 192

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 194

Programming Problems 196

Programming Example Follow-Up 199

6Looping 201

6.1 The While Statement 202

6.2 Phases of Loop Execution 203

6.3 Loops Using the While Statement 204

Count-Controlled Loops 204

Event-Controlled Loops 205

Looping Subtasks 209

6.4 How to Design Loops 211

Designing the Flow of Control 212

Designing the Process Within the loop 213

The Loop Exit 213

6.5 Nested Logic 214

Designing Nested Loops 215

Programming Example 216

Testing and Debugging 224

Loop-Testing Strategy 224

Testing and Debugging Hints 225

Summary 226

Quick Check 227

Exam Preparation Exercises 228

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 231

Programming Problems 233

Programming Example Follow Up 236

7Functions 237

7.1 Functional Decomposition with Void Functions 238

Writing Modules as Void Functions 238

7.2 An Overview of User-Defined Functions 241

Flow of Control in Function Calls 242

Function Parameters 242

7.3 Syntax and Semantics of Void Functions 244

Function Call (Invocation) 244

Function Declarations and Definitions 244

Local Variables 246

The Return Statement 247

Header Files 248

7.4 Parameters 249

Value Parameters 249

Reference Parameters 251

Matching Arguments with Parameters 251

7.5 Designing Functions 254

Writing Assertions as Program Comments 256

Documenting the Direction of Data Flow 257

Programming Example 260

Testing and Debugging 264

The assert Library Function 265

Testing and Debugging Hints 267

Summary 268

Quick Check 268

Exam Preparation Exercises 269

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 271

Programming Problems 273

Programming Example Follow-Up 277

8Scope, Lifetime, and More on Functions 279

8.1 Scope of Identifiers 280

Scope Rules 282

Variable Declarations and Definitions 285

Namespaces 286

8.2 Lifetime of a Variable 289

Initializations in Declarations 290

8.3 Interface Design 291

Side Effects 291

Global Constants 293

8.4 Value-Returning Functions 293

Boolean Functions 296

Interface Design and Side Effects 298

When to Use Value-Returning Functions 298

Programming Example 300

Testing and Debugging 307

Stubs and Drivers 308

Testing and Debugging Hints 308

Summary 309

Quick Check 310

Exam Preparation Exercises 311

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 313

Programming Problems 315

Programming Example Follow-Up 318

9Additional Control Structures 319

9.1 The Switch Statement 320

9.2 The Do-While Statement 324

9.3 The For Statement 325

9.4 The Break and Continue Statements 329

9.5 Guidelines for Choosing a Looping Statement 332

Programming Example 333

Testing and Debugging 338

Testing and Debugging Hints 338

Summary 339

Quick Check 339

Exam Preparation Exercises 340

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 342

Programming Problems 343

Programming Example Follow-Up 346

10Simple Data Types: Built-In and User-Defined 347

10.1 Built-In Simple Types 348

Integral Types 350

Floating-Point Types 351

10.2 Additional C++ Operators 352

Assignment Operators and Assignment Expressions 354

Increment and Decrement Operators 354

Bitwise Operators 355

The Cast Operation 356

The sizeof Operator 356

The ?: Operator 357

Operator Precedence 357

10.3 Working With Character Data 359

Character Sets 359

C++ char Constants 360

Programming Techniques 361

10.4 More on Floating-Point Numbers 367

Representation of Floating-Point Numbers 368

Arithmeticwith Floating-Point Numbers 370

10.5 User-Defined Simple Types 373

The Typedef Statement 373

Enumeration Types 373

Named and Anonymous Data Types 379

User-Written Header Files 379

10.6 More on Type Coercion 380

Type Coercion in Arithmetic and Relational Expressions 381

Type Coercion in Assignments, Argument Passing, and Return of a Functional Value 382

Programming Example 383

Testing and Debugging 390

Floating-Point Data 390

Coping with Input Errors 391

Testing and Debugging Hints 391

Summary 392

Quick Check 393

Exam Preparation Exercises 394

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 395

Programming Problems 396

Programming Example Follow-Up 399

11Structured Types, Data Abstraction, and Classes 401

11.1 Structured Data Types 402

11.2 Records (Structs) 403

Accessing Individual Components 405

Aggregate Operations on Structs 406

Hierarchical Records 408

11.3 Unions 410

11.4 Data Abstraction 411

11.5 Abstract Data Types 411

11.6 C++ Classes 414

Classes, Class Objects, and Class Members 416

Built-In Operations on Class Objects 416

Class Scope 419

Information Hiding 419

11.7 Specification and Implementation Files 421

The Specification File 421

The Implementation File 423

Compiling and Linking a Multifile Program 428

11.8 Guaranteed Initialization with Class Constructors 430

Invoking a Constructor 431

Revised Specication and Implementation Files for Time 432

Guidelines for Using Class Constructors 436

Programming Example 437

Testing and Debugging 444

Testing and Debugging Hints 447

Summary 448

Quick Check 449

Exam Preparation Exercises 450

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 452

Programming Problems 453

Programming Example Follow-Up 456

12Arrays 457

12.1 One-Dimensional Arrays 458

Declaring Arrays 460

Accessing Individual Components 460

Out-of-Bounds Array Indexes 462

Initializing Arrays in Declarations 464

Examples of Declaring and Accessing Arrays 464

Passing Arrays as Arguments 469

Assertions About Arrays 471

Using Typedef with Arrays 471

12.2 Arrays of Records and Objects 471

Arrays of Records 472

Arrays of Class Objects 473

12.3 Special Kinds of Array Processing 474

Subarray Processing 474

Indexes with Semantic Content 475

12.4 Two-Dimensional Arrays 475

12.5 Processing Two-Dimensional Arrays 478

Sum the Rows 479

Sum the Columns 481

Initialize the Array 481

Print the Array 483

12.6 Passing Two-Dimensional Arrays as Arguments 484

12.7 Another Way of Defining Two-Dimensional Arrays 486

12.8 Multidimensional Arrays 488

Programming Example 491

Testing and Debugging 498

One-Dimensional Arrays 498

Multidimensional Arrays 499

Testing and Debugging Hints 500

Summary 501

Quick Check 502

Exam Preparation Exercises 503

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 506

Programming Problems 508

Programming Example Follow-Up 510

13Array-Based Lists 511

13.1 The List as an Abstract Data Type 512

13.2 Unsorted Lists 519

Basic Operations 519

Insertion and Deletion 522

Sequential Search 523

lterators 526

Sorting 528

13.3 Sorted Lists 531

Basic Operations 534

Insertion 534

Sequential Search 537

Binary Search 537

Deletion 543

13.4 Understanding Character Strings 544

Initializing C Strings 547

C String Input and Output 547

C String Library Routines 550

Programming Example 552

Testing and Debugging 559

Testing and Debugging Hints 560

Summary 560

Quick Check 561

Exam Preparation Exercises 561

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 562

Programming Problems 564

Programming Example Follow-Up 565

14Object-Oriented Software Development 567

14.1 Object-Oriented Programming 568

14.2 Objects 568

14.3 Inheritance 573

Deriving One Class from Another 574

Specification of the ExtTime Class 576

Implementation of the ExtTime Class 579

Avoiding Multiple Inclusion of Header Files 583

14.4 Composition 584

Design of an Entry Class 584

Constructor lnitializer 590

14.5 Dynamic Binding and Virtual Functions 591

The Slicing Problem 592

Virtual Functions 594

14.6 Object-Oriented Design 596

Step 1: Identify the Objects and Operations 596

Step 2: Determine the Relationships Among Objects 597

Step 3: Design the Driver 597

14.7 Implementing the Design 597

Programming Example 598

Testing and Debugging 608

Testing and Debugging Hints 609

Summary 610

Quick Check 610

Exam Preparation Exercises 611

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 614

Programming Problems 616

Programming Example Follow-Up 618

15Recursion 619

15.1 What Is Recursion 620

15.2 Recursive Algorithms with Sample Variables 624

15.3 Towers of Hanoi 626

15.4 Recursive Algorithms with Structured Variables 631

15.5 Recursion or Iteration? 632

Testing and Debugging 634

Testing and Debugging Hints 634

Summary 635

Quick Check 635

Exam Preparation Exercises 635

Programming Warm-Up Exercises 637

Programming Problems 640

Glossary 643

Answers to Selected Exercises 651

Appendices 683

Index 705