1 Introduction:lawyers,law,and society&YVES DEZALAY AND BRYANT G.GARTH 1
PART Ⅰ Law embedded in social capital and converted into legal and political capital 17
2 Greasing the squeaky wheel of justice:networks of Venezuelan lawyers from the pacted democracy to the Bolivarian Revolution&MANUEL A.GOMEZ 19
3 Lawyers,political embeddedness,and institutional continuity in China's transition from socialismÐAN MICHELSON 39
4 Italian legal elites:the classical model and its transformation&MARIA MALATESTA 67
PART Ⅱ Imported know-how and local know-who 91
5 Human rights and the rule of law in Argentina:transnational advocacy networks and the transformation of the national legal field&VIRGINIA VECCHIOLI 93
6 Criminal procedure reform in Chile:new agents and the restructuring of a field&DANIEL PALACIOS MUNOZ 112
7 The European Union and the United States in Eastern Europe:two ways of exporting law,expertise and state power&OLE HAMMERSLEV 134
8 Toward a sociology of the global rule of law field:neoliberalism,neoconstitutionalism,and the contest over judicial reform in Latin America&CESAR RODRIGUEZ-GARAVITO 156
PART Ⅲ Testing rule-of-law hypotheses in the context of the largest Asian economies 183
9 The reform of the profession of lawyers in Japan and its impact on the role of law&KAY-WAH CHAN 185
10 The democratization and internationalization of the Korean legal field&KIM SEONG-HYUN 217
11 Searching for political liberalism in all the wrong places:the legal profession in China as the leading edge of political reform?&RANDALL PEERENBOOM 239
12 Conclusion:how to convert social capital into legal capital and transfer legitimacy across the major practice divide&YVES DEZALAY AND BRYANT G.GARTH 260
Index 267