• 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 出版年份:1988
  • ISBN:031440807X
  • 页数:367 页

Chapter 1.Control of Environmental Decisionmaking by Federal Agencies 2

A.The Judicial Role in Environmental Law 2

1.Standing 3

2.Reviewability 10

3.Standard of Review 12

4.Remedies 18

B.The National Environmental Policy Act 22

1.Threshold Requirements 26

2.Scope and Timing 32

3.Content of the EIS 44

4.Review on the Merits 50

5.Evaluation of NEPA 53

Chapter 2.Pollution Control 60

A.Common Law Remedies 60

B.Regulation Under the Clean Air Act 66

1.Structure of the Clean Air Act 68

2.Consideration of Economic and Tech-nological Feasibility 75

a.New Motor Vehicles 76

b.Existing Stationary Sources 78

c.New Stationary Sources 88

B.Regulation Under the Clean Air Act— Continued 92

3.Offsets and Bubbles 92

C.Regulation Under the Clean Water Act 98

1.Structure of the Clean Water Act 100

2.Consideration of Economic and Tech-nological Feasibility 108

a.BPT 108

b.BCT 111

c.BAT 113

d.Standards of Performance for New Sources 115

D.Economic Incentives For Environmental Protection 116

1. Effluent Charges and Noncompliance Penalties 119

2. Marketable Discharge Permits 124

Chapter 3.Control of Toxic Substances 129

A.The Problem of Scientific Uncertainty 129

1. Lower Court Decisions 129

2. Supreme Court Decisions 136

B.The Regulatory Scheme 146

1. Pesticide Regulation 146

2. Toxic Chemicals Under the General Pollution Statutes 151

3. The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) 157

4. The Resource Conservation and Re-covery Act (RCRA) 162

B.The Regulatory Scheme—Continued 169

5.The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Lia- bility Act (CERCLA) 169

a.Structure of the Act 169

b.Implementing Cleanups 172

c.Liability of Responsible Parties 174

d.Right of Contribution 183

e.Measure of Damages 184

f.Settlements 186

C.State Regulation and Federal Bankruptcy Law 187

D.Common Law Remedies 192

Chapter 4.Federalism and the Environment 200

A.Scope of Federal Power 200

1.The Commerce Power 201

2.Other Federal Powers 206

B.Commerce Clause Restrictions on State Power 211

1.Discriminatory Legislation 212

2.Proprietary Activities 214

3.Balancing Test 215

C.Federal Preemption 217

Chapter 5.Energy Policy and the Environment 229

A.Nuclear Energy 229

1.Plant Safety and Siting 230

2.Fuel Reprocessing and Waste Dispo-sal 242

B.Fossil Fuels 255

1. Oil 255

a.Onshore Development 255

b.Offshore Development 258

c.Liability for Spills 273

2. Coal 277

a.Conversion to Coal 277

b.Surface Mining 280

c.Protection of the High.Sulfur Coal Mining Industry 287

C.Renewable (Solar) Sources and Conserva-tion 290

1. Solar Sources 290

a.Access to Sunlight and Wind 292

b.Interconnection With Utilities 294

c.Financing 295

2. Conservation 296

a.Ratemaking and Conservation Pricing 298

b.Cogeneration 300

c.Financing 302

Chapter 6. Preservation of Natural Areas 305

A.Preservation as a Goal 305

B.Restrictions on Development of Private Land 310

1. The Taking Problem 310

2. The Public Trust Doctrine 323

3. The Navigational Servitude 327

C. The Protection of Public Lands 333

1. Public Lands Policy 333

2. Executive Withdrawals 338

3. Legislative Withdrawals 342

4. Prevention of Conflicting Private Uses 344

Index 349