1 Introduction- Governors and the prison system 1
Why study Governors - a neglected breed? 1
Purpose and structure of the book 3
Studying a criminal justice elite 5
Governors and their role in the prison system 9
Understanding what Governors do 11
2 Early Governors - from gaolers to reformers 14
Gaolers and keepers (before 1779) 15
Gentlemen Governors (1779-1876) 19
Administrator Governors (1877-1945) 26
Reforming Governors (1946-1962) 34
3 Modern Governors - from administrators to executives 40
Prison Department Governors (1963-1978) 40
Prison managers (1979-1986) 49
Chief executives (1987-1997) 57
Some themes from history 62
4 Governing in a changed context 65
Prisoners' rights and expectations 66
Politics, the media and prisons 68
Privatisation and market testing 72
Risk management and actuarial approaches 74
New Public Management 75
5 Today's Governors - origins, career paths and ideologies 91
Demographic and family background 91
Education and previous occupation 93
Career paths 95
Motivation and job satisfaction 101
Ideology - values, beliefs and goals 108
Prison Governor culture 114
Today's Governors 116
6 Governing prisons - the reality 119
The Governor's role and duties 119
General management and leadership 120
Incident command 126
Prison-specific roles and duties 128
Stakeholder power and impact 142
Multiple and conflicting roles 146
Variations in management style and approach 148
Institutional influences 152
Ideology, ethics and values 154
7 Prison governance- some conclusions 159
Variations on a theme - a typology of Governors 159
Changes to Governors' work and approach 162
The continuing significance of the Governor 170
Prison management theory 176
Sui generis revisited 177
8 Prisons, governance and research - looking to the future 182
Implications for policy and practice 182
What next? Suggestions for further research 185
Some final thoughts - governing in the future 187
Appendix A: Typical management structure in a prison 192
References 193
Index 209