PART Ⅰ Lawyers and the Evolving Global Justice and Human Rights Industry 1
1 Introduction: constructing transnational justice&YVES DEZALAY AND BRYANT G GARTH 3
2 Lawyers, humanitarian emergencies and the politics of large numbers&RON LEVI AND JOHN HAGAN 13
3 The cause of universal jurisdiction: the rise and fall of an international mobilisation&JULIEN SEROUSSI 48
4 Lawyering war or talking peace? On militant usages of the law in the resolution of internal armed conflicts:a case study of International Alert&SARA DEZALAY 60
5 From peace-building in war-torn countries to justice in the global North&SANDRINELEFRANC 84
6 Legal cosmopolitanism divided: stating, codifying and invoking international law of state responsibility&PIERRE-YVES CONDE 108
PART Ⅱ Justice and Rules in the Transnational Governance of the Market 137
7 Globalising intell ectual property rights: the politics of law and public health&DIANA RODRIGUEZ-FRANCO 139
8 The transnational meets the national: the construction of trade policy networks in Brazil&GREGORY SHAFFER, MICHELLE RATTON SANCHEZ BADIN AND BARBARA ROSENBERG 170
PART Ⅲ Lawyers and the Construction of European Justice 217
9 The force of a weak field: law and lawyers in the government of Europe&ANTOINE VAU CHEZ 219
10 The European Court ofJustice in the emergent European field of power: transnational judicial institutions and national career paths&ANTONIN COHEN 239
11 Human rights and the hegemony of ideology: European lawyers and the Cold War battle over international human rights&MIKAEL RASK MADSEN 258
12 Marketing and legitimating two sides of transnational justice: possible trajectories toward a unified transnational field&YVES DEZALAY AND BRYANT G GARTH 277
Index 297